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  • Splash Screen check if there's saved user credential then open user's followers directly, otherwise open Login screen.
  • Using TwitterKit SDK user can view it's followers with Pull to Refresh and Infinite Scrolling and cache followers for offline use.
  • Follower profile show follower information and latest 10 tweets with sticky header
  • User could like and share follower tweet
  • open profile image and background image in overlay view
  • localization using Swizzling

Architecture Design Pattern

  • MVP (Model-View-Presenter)

Third party libraries

  1. TwitterKit

  2. SwiftyJSON

    • Parse data to JSON and wraps the result of the Alamofire JSON response handler.
  3. ObjectMapper

    • Mapping JSON or string JSON to objects and Nested Object.
    • ObjectMapper could generate Realm models and simple Alamofire extension that uses ObjectMapper to automatically map JSON response data to Swift objects.
  4. Kingfisher

    • Could download images from url asynchronous and caching for UIImageView or UIButton.
    • Cancel downloading and process tasks.
  5. NVActivityIndicatorView

    • Has wide collection of loading Indicators with awesome animations.
  6. RKParallaxEffect

    • Create a parallax effect on TableHeaderView with Full Screen option that view the full image.
  7. UIScrollView-InfiniteScroll

    • Easy for implementation and use Swizzling.
    • provide a handler block and could use it with table view, collection view and scroll view.
  8. SKPhotoBrowser

    • Display one or array of images by providing either UIImage objects, or string of URL array.
    • Handling and caching photos from web, Landscape handling and Zoom in
    • Swipe up/down to dismiss with animation and have download option.
  9. TKSubmitTransition

    • You can find the “Sign in” button rolling and after that, next UIViewController will fade-in.


Simple Twitter client for iOS written in Swift 3







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