This project is my personal page. It is write with use of VueJs and Vuetify. As Database I use CloudFirestore from Firebase. This is the same place where app is hosted. To see link click here.
The source code is in src folder.
- components - folder with components files
- plugins - file with setting up vuetiyf library
- router - file with setup vue router
- store - file with setup Vuex store, here the data are downloaded from firestore
- views - folder with main pages, which you can access from navbar
- App - Template with elements which are on all pages (navbar, footer)
- main - script which initialize Vue object with run of all specified elements like router, Vue store,vuetify and dispatches function in Vue store.
- about
- summary - string - summary of life
- technologies
- arr - array of strings - technologies you know
- learnings - websites you want show
- profile - text on button to open this website
- text - description about this page and what you do there
- url - link to this page
- projects - Each project has fields:
- id - string
- title - string
- idea - string
- imageUrl - string
- repo - string
- start - timestamp
- end - timestamp
- technologiesDescription - string
- technologies - array of strings
- projectType - "private"/"university"
You need to add file firebase.js and add to it firebase credidentials. File looks like this
import {initializeApp} from 'firebase';
const app = initializeApp({
apiKey: "",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "",
appId: "",
measurementId: ""
export const db = app.firestore();
export const storage =;
Then run command
npm run serve