SessionSkip can allow players to log in as your staff if you do not configure it properly. Do not use this plugin if you aren't 100% certain of what you're doing.
SessionSkip is a simple BungeeCord plugin to skip authentication with the Minecraft session servers under certain conditions.
Please note: The plugin will not auto-generate the config file. Create a plugins/SessionSkip folder and manually copy it before use.
SessionSkip allows players to skip authentication with the Mojang session servers when they meet one of the following configurable criterion:
- They connect to a specific listener/hostname combination.
- They connect using a specific hostname.
- They connect from a specific IP address.
While hostnames and IP addresses are fairly self explanatory, a listener takes two forms: A connection made directly to an IP address and port, or a connection made to an IP address and port with a specified hostname. With that in mind, a listener could look like either of the following, depending on what the player types in when connecting:
- If the player types ""
- /
- If the player types ""
- /sessionskip reload - Reloads the plugin and config file.
- /sessionskip enable - Enables SessionSkip until BungeeCord is restarted.
- /sessionskip disable - Disables SessionSkip until BungeeCord is restarted.
SessionSkip has a "enabled" setting in the config file, which will determine whether it is enabled (true) or disabled (false) by default when BungeeCord starts up.
- BungeeCord build 691+
- BungeeYAML