This is the in-development Web Dashboard for the RTByte Discord Bot. It is currently considered to be in early alpha, so everything is subject to change. There will likely be a lot of placeholder assets, poor performance, and poorly--or completely unimplemented--features until such a time comes that we transition to a beta state.
This Dashboard is based on the Materio Admin Template by ThemeSelection. It uses the Vuetify Component Framework on top of Vue.js 3. The Dashboard communicates with RTByte using @sapphire/plugin-api.
While RTByte is, and always will be, open-source, we're not very supportive of the idea of others self-hosting the bot. While you're completely free to host RTByte yourself, you will not receive any support from us in doing so.
Like many other open-source Discord bots, RTByte hasn't been built with the idea of self-hosting in mind. We use many different services to ensure we're able to deliver the best solution available.
You can add RTByte to your server by visiting [].
npm install --save-dev
npm run dev
npm run build