This small plugin provides service commands for developers:
- /stop - Just shuts the server down.
- /restart - Just shuts the server down.
- /reload - No bukkit nagging.
To properly use the /restart and /stop command a startscript like this is needed:
# Start script started, we can create the loop-file
touch .restart
# Loop until file removed.
while [ -f .restart ] ;
echo "=================================================="
java -jar -DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear=a craftbukkit-1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The /stop command will delete the .restart file.
In case you are using a compile script, its possible to reload the server from external:
- Compile &&
- Upload &&
- Reload command: `ssh 'echo "reload" > /cmd-insert'
A reload will be performed on file changes of file 'cmd-insert'
Each command has its own permission: service.
You may find this plugin useful, if you disabled Vanilla and Bukkit commands for reasons :P (You wouldn't be alone)
Or if you want to overwrite them.