Here are some examples of how to use Magnum created Kubernetes clusters on IRIS Scientific OpenStack Clouds such as:
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If you have any problems, please do raise an issue, or even better, make a pull request that includes a fix to help others that may hit a similar issue.
Firstly, please get access to an IRIS Scientific OpenStack Cloud. This includes created application credentials so you are able to access the OpenStack APIs.
For more information, please see:
To get a good idea of what you can do with Magnum we would recommend trying out all the demo's in the following sections, in the order listed here.
This example uses terraform to create the k8s cluster, using a pre-registered OpenStack Magnum template.
We give you an overview of what a working Magnum cluster is able to do out the box. We look at the built in monitoring and load balancing capabilities.
For more details, see the Magnum Guided Tour
For more details see: Jupyter Hub on Magnum
We then use kubectl to register a storage class that supports creating volumes using OpenStack Manila created CephFS shares.
For more details see: Manila CSI
This uses a helm chart to create an Apache Spark cluster. It makes use of the above Manila CephFS PVC to provide all workers with a shared file system that works in a multi-node cluster.
For more details see: Apache Spark on Magnum
At the time of writing, sonobuoy certified conformance has passed on production cloud (Magnum container tag for Kubernetes versions 1.20.4, 1.19.8 and 1.18.16.
For mode details on how the test was carried out, see: Sonobuoy Certified Conformance