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‘rnaseq_count_nf’ Nextflow Pipeline Instructions

Jenny L Smith 2024-02-23

About the Workflow

This workflow is designed to output gene expression counts from STAR aligner using --quantmode. It will also perform general QC statistics on the fastqs with fastqc and the alignment using rseqc. Finally, the QC reports are collected into a single file using multiQC.

A DAG (directed acyclic graph) of the workflow is show below:

Activate the Environment on HPC

The directions to set-up the Nextflow workflow requirements are found in the Ensure that you have followed the steps to fork and clone the repository and created the conda nextflow environment before starting with this document.

1) Interactive Session

Optional but recommended: use tmux on the cybertron login nodes. Name the session nextflow and then request an interactive session, then activate the nextflow conda environment. The project codes can be found with project info command. Change the $QUEUE and $NAME variables in the code chunk below to be accurate for your Cybertron projects.

tmux new-session -s nextflow
project info
qsub -I -q $QUEUE -P $(project code $NAME) -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=8g -l walltime=8:00:00

2) Open rnaseq_count_nf workflow folder

Navigate to where you place the cloned (copied) cutandrun_nf directory, and then checkout the latest release branch.

cd /path/to/my/rnaseq_count_nf
git fetch

# this will list all branches of the repository. Find the release branch with the latest version in red text, which means you don't yet have a local copy of that branch. 
git branch -a

# then select the latest version, for example 2.0.0. This downloads the stable version of pipeline locally. 
git checkout release/2.0.0

# Now the * indicates that you're on the release branch and its no longer red text. 
git branch

3) Activate conda environement

Activate the Nextflow conda environment.

conda env create -f env/nextflow.yaml
conda activate nextflow

Test the Workflow

Edit the Config File

Edit the nextflow.config file in any text editor; the example below is in R.

You will need to change the:

  • project code (use the same one as you used above),
  • the queue name to be paidq or a tier 3 queue.

Paidq will cost less than $0.01 for testing with the workflow’s example data provided in the directory test_data.

//global parameters
params {
    // general options
    sample_sheet                = "test_data/paired_end_sample_sheet.csv"
    download_sra_fqs            = false
    queue                       = 'paidq'
    project                     = '[PROJECT CODE]'

Paired-end example

Determine if the workflow works on your installation of the conda environment by running the following command.

./ "paired_end_test"

Single-end example

To test the single-end sheet, modify the sample_sheet parameter in the nextflow.config and the output directory (outdir).

params {
    // general options
    sample_sheet                = "test_data/single_end_sample_sheet.csv"
    outdir                      = "./single_end_results/"

then run the command

./ "single_end_test"

sra download example

To test the sra sample sheet - modify these the sample sheet, and set download_sra_fastqs to true in the nextflow.config and the output directory (outdir).

params {
    // general options
    sample_sheet                = "test_data/sra_sample_sheet.csv"
    download_sra_fqs            = true
    outdir                      = "./sra_results/"

then run on the command:

./ "sra_test"

Modify the Pipeline for Your Data

Define Input Files

A comma delimited (csv) sample sheet is required for the input samples to be processed. Please note, do not remove the comment lines that begin with “#” in the example files. The same number of comment lines must be included in any input sample sheet, based on the examples provided here.

It must have the column names (in any order):

  • r1 - the filepath for the read 1 fastq in paired-end RNA-seq, or the single-end fastq file

  • r2 - the filepath for the read 2 fastq in paired-end RNA-seq

  • id - unique sample ID, no duplicates allowed in the sample sheet

  • single_end - boolean [true/false] if the data is single-end or paired-end

The two examples are provided here to look at:

example_sheet <- read.csv(here::here("test_data/paired_end_sample_sheet.csv"),
    header = TRUE, comment.char = "#")
##   single_end                                  r1
## 1      false test_data/Sample_ID_001_R1.fastq.gz
##                                    r2            id
## 1 test_data/Sample_ID_001_R2.fastq.gz Sample_ID_001

If downloading the fastq files directly from the SRA, the sample sheet only requires the id and the single_end columns.

sra_example <- read.csv(here::here("test_data/sra_sample_sheet.csv"),
    header = TRUE, comment.char = "#")

##          id single_end
## 1 SRR013553       true
## 2 SRR013564       true

Nextflow Config

Edit the nextflow.config file to include the appropriate filepaths for the samples to be included in the pipeline, and the appropriate genome references. The required files are listed here:

## //working directory for temporary/intermediate files produced in the workflow processes
## workDir = "$HOME/temp"
## //global parameters
## params {
##     // general options
##     sample_sheet                = "test_data/paired_end_sample_sheet.csv"
##     queue                       = 'paidq'
##     project                     = '207f23bf-acb6-4835-8bfe-142436acb58c'
##     // Input and output options
##     download_sra_fqs            = false
##     outdir                      = "./paired_end_results/"
##     publish_dir_mode            = 'copy'
##     // STAR specific params
##     index                       = '/gpfs/shared_data/STAR/human_GRCh38_ensembl_v106/star'
##     build_index                 = false
##     gtf                         = '/gpfs/shared_data/STAR/human_GRCh38_ensembl_v106/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.gtf' // required
##     fasta                       = '/gpfs/shared_data/STAR/human_GRCh38_ensembl_v106/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa' // required
## <...>

Genome References

Rseqc reference bed files are generated using the provided GTF file in params section of the nextflow.config file. The ref_gene_model is generated in BED12 format using UCSC utilities (Kent tools). This allows the Rseqc references to match the transcript IDs used in the GTF for STAR aligner. The pipeline does require the user to provide a list of rRNA transcript IDs that match the transcript ID format in the provided GTF.

The easiest way to find the rRNA transcripts is to use Ensembl Biomart or UCSC table browser. For Ensembl, use a filter based on the rRNA biotypes you would like to quantify (eg Mt_rRNA , rRNA , rRNA_pseudogene) and then select “Transcript stable ID” as the Attribute to save to file.

In R, this could be accomplished with:

species <- "Homo_sapiens"
mart <- useEnsembl('ensembl', dataset = 'Homo_sapiens_gene_ensembl')
biomaRt::getBM(values=c("rRNA", "rRNA_pseudogene","Mt_rRNA"),
               mart = mart)

An example of the gene models and rRNA bed files can be found at the RSEQC documentation page and are located at /gpfs/shared_data/rseqc to share with the SCRI.

Advanced Options

In the nextflow.config, you can define additional command line arguments to the scientific software under process scope.

## // Computational resource allocation for the processes run in the workflow
## process {
##     publishDir = [
##         path: { "${params.outdir}/${task.process.tokenize(':')[-1].tokenize('_')[0].toLowerCase()}" },
##         mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
##         saveAs: { filename -> filename.equals('versions.yml') ? null : filename }
##     ]
##     errorStrategy = "retry"
##     maxRetries = 2
##     //STAR-aligner process specific parameters
##     //
##     withName: STAR_ALIGN {
##         cpus = { 4 * task.attempt }
##         memory = { 32.GB * task.attempt }
## <...>

You may use the advanced options to change computational resources requested for different processes. The CPUs and memory parameters can updated to request a larger amount of resources like CPUs or memory if files are large. You may also edit the commandline parameters for processes in the workflow using the ext.args directive.

The current TRIMGALORE paramters look like this:

##     //Trimgalore process specific parameters
##     withName: TRIMGALORE {
##         cpus = { 2 * task.attempt }
##         memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
##         ext.args = ''
##     }
## <...>

But you’d like to request 16Gb of memory for and gzip the output.

##     //Trimgalore process specific parameters
##     withName: TRIMGALORE {
##         cpus = { 2 * task.attempt }
##         memory = { 16.GB * task.attempt }
##         ext.args = '--gzip'
##     }
## <...>

Run the workflow

Then execute a wrapper around the nextflow run command which is in the shell script. Provide a descriptive name (string) for your workflow run, in this example we will use “my_analysis”.

Typically, you will not need to change the often.

The script defines the profiles for different executors in the variable NFX_PROFILE. The choices for profiles are:

  • PBS_singularity [default]
  • local_singularity

“PBS_singularity” is recommended. This profiles executes the jobs on the HPC using the PBS scheduler and then will run the job inside singularity containers with the appropriate scientific software versions.

“local_singularity” is good for workflow development if you’re making a lot of changes. This will use singularity on Cybertron, but run the jobs on the interactive compute node that you’ve requested during “Set-up Nextflow Environment” steps above.

## #!/bin/bash
## set -eu
## DATE=$(date +%F)
## NFX_CONFIG=./nextflow.config
## #Options: PBS_singularity,local_singularity
## NFX_PROFILE='PBS_singularity'
## #Options:  rnaseq_count, prep_genome, or sra_download
## NFX_ENTRY='rnaseq_count'
## #The output prefix on filenames for reports/logs
## <...>

You can also change the entry_point for the workflow.

  • Run only the index building step using NFX_ENTRY='star_index'.
  • Run only the download step for SRA files by setting NFX_ENTRY='sra_fastqs'.
  • Keep the default NFX_ENTRY='rnaseq_count' to run the complete pipeline.
./ "my_analysis"

Expected Outputs

Under the path provided in the nextflow config for params “outdir”, lets say paired_end_results/, you will find directories named for each of the modules.

In addition, there will be an HTML report with information on where the temp data is stored in the workDir path, and general run statistics such as resource utilized versus requested, which helps with optimization. It will also provide information on how much walltime was used per sample, total CPU hours, etc.

The HTML file is found in reports directory and will have the prefix defined on the command line when the ./ "my_analysis" was invoked, so in this example it would be named “my_analysis_{DATE}.html”.

There will also be a detailed nextflow log file that is useful for de-bugging which will also be named in this example, “my_analysis_{DATE}_nextflow.log”.

Finally, the pipeline will produce a DAG - Directed acyclic graph which describes the workflow channels (inputs) and the modules. The DAG image will be saved under dag/ directory with the name “my_analysis_{DATE}_dag.pdf”.

Complete File Structure

There will be the following file structure:

## ../paired_end_results/
## ├── fastqc
## │   └── fastqc_Sample_ID_001
## ├── multiqc
## │   ├── paired_end_sample_sheet_multiqc_report.html
## │   ├── paired_end_sample_sheet_multiqc_report_data
## │   └── paired_end_sample_sheet_multiqc_report_plots
## ├── picard
## │   ├── Sample_ID_001.MarkDuplicates.metrics.txt
## │   └── Sample_ID_001.bam
## ├── rseqc
## │   ├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.sort.rRNA.bed
## │   ├── Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.summary.txt
## │   ├── Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.tin.xls
## │   ├──
## │   ├── Sample_ID_001.read_distribution.txt
## │   └── Sample_ID_001_rRNA_stats.out
## ├── samtools
## │   ├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.fai
## │   └── Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.bai
## ├── star
## │   ├── Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
## │   ├──
## │   ├── Sample_ID_001.Log.out
## │   ├── Sample_ID_001.Log.progress.out
## │   ├──
## │   └──
## └── ucsc
##     ├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.genepred
##     ├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.refflat
##     ├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.sort.bed
##     └── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106_transcript.infoOut.txt

Detailed File Structure

Within each directory you will find the following files (top 5 files per directory are shown):

path type process filename
../paired_end_results/fastqc directory fastqc
../paired_end_results/fastqc/fastqc_Sample_ID_001/Sample_ID_001_1_fastqc.html file fastqc Sample_ID_001_1_fastqc.html
../paired_end_results/fastqc/fastqc_Sample_ID_001/ file fastqc
../paired_end_results/fastqc/fastqc_Sample_ID_001/Sample_ID_001_2_fastqc.html file fastqc Sample_ID_001_2_fastqc.html
../paired_end_results/fastqc/fastqc_Sample_ID_001/ file fastqc
../paired_end_results/fastqc/fastqc_Sample_ID_001 directory fastqc/fastqc_Sample_ID_001
../paired_end_results/multiqc directory multiqc
../paired_end_results/picard directory picard
../paired_end_results/picard/Sample_ID_001.MarkDuplicates.metrics.txt file picard Sample_ID_001.MarkDuplicates.metrics.txt
../paired_end_results/picard/Sample_ID_001.bam file picard Sample_ID_001.bam
../paired_end_results/rseqc directory rseqc
../paired_end_results/rseqc/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.sort.rRNA.bed file rseqc Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.sort.rRNA.bed
../paired_end_results/rseqc/Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.summary.txt file rseqc Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.summary.txt
../paired_end_results/rseqc/Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.tin.xls file rseqc Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.tin.xls
../paired_end_results/rseqc/ file rseqc
../paired_end_results/samtools directory samtools
../paired_end_results/samtools/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.fai file samtools Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.fai
../paired_end_results/samtools/Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.bai file samtools Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.bai
../paired_end_results/star directory star
../paired_end_results/star/Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam file star Sample_ID_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
../paired_end_results/star/ file star
../paired_end_results/star/Sample_ID_001.Log.out file star Sample_ID_001.Log.out
../paired_end_results/star/Sample_ID_001.Log.progress.out file star Sample_ID_001.Log.progress.out
../paired_end_results/ucsc directory ucsc
../paired_end_results/ucsc/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.genepred file ucsc Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.genepred
../paired_end_results/ucsc/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.refflat file ucsc Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.refflat
../paired_end_results/ucsc/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.sort.bed file ucsc Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.sort.bed
../paired_end_results/ucsc/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106_transcript.infoOut.txt file ucsc Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106_transcript.infoOut.txt

Share the Data

rsync -av $RESULTS $OUTDIR 

Cleaning up Cached Data

Nextflow has an utility to clean up old work directories and logs that are no longer needed. This can be run after any amount of time to keep your workdir from getting too large or if you’re running out of disk space.

This requires the session ID or session name, which can found in the .nextflow/history file.

nextflow log
nextflow clean -f [RUN NAME]

Session Information
