A way to bypass the anti-adblock on youtube using ublock origin! No extra extensions or tools required!
Warning: This is a work in progress and stuff may break so please report any issues! This has only been thoroughly tested in firefox and barely checked in chrome derivatives. Changes may be made in the future so I'd suggest bookmarking or starring this project.
Step 1: Install Ublock Origin from your browser's extension store. E.G the chrome store, firefox store etc. Then add the extension to your browser.
Step 2 : Click on the Ublock icon, then click on settings.
- Step 3 : Make sure you are in the settings pane then enable 'I am an advanced user'
- Step 4 : Then after, click on the "My rules" pane.
- Step 5 : Copy the contents from rules.txt in the "Temporary rules" textbox, then click on "Save" and then on "Commit"