This all Chapter to learn opencv with python link Video YT
Go to your terminal and type this command
cd Desktop
mkdir OpenCV-Tutorials
cd OpenCV-Tutorials
git clone 'url up'
for install opencv with python
pip install opencv-python
pip i -r requirements.txt
and import opencv in python
import cv2
import numpy as np
* Read an image
* Display an image
* Read a Video
* Read a webcam
* save an image
* Gray image
* Color image
* Blur image
* Canny image
* Dialation image
* Eroded image
* Resize image
* Crop image
* Rotation image
* Line
* Rectangle
* Circle
* Text
* Warp Perspective
* Joining Images
* Horizontal Stacking
* Vertical Stacking
* Color Detection
* Trackbars
* Color Detection using Trackbars
* Contours
* Shape Detection
* Stacking Images and Contour Detection