Helper class to generate wordpress metaboxes
If you're using composer, run:
composer require r4c00n/magic-meta-box:*
Require composer autoload.php
and add use MagicMetaBox\MagicMetaBox;
to your plugins code.
Create new instance of MagicMetaBox
$myMetaBox = new MagicMetaBox(
'my-metabox', // unique metabox id
'My MetaBox title', // Metabox title
array( 'post', 'page' ), // Metabox screens
'prefix_' // Meta prefix,
'side', // Metabox context (optional)
'high', // Metabox priority (optional)
true // Serialize values under the metabox id
Add a text input field to your new metabox:
'my-text-field', // Input name
array( // Additional attributes
'class' => 'input-field'
'My text field', // Associated label text
'I am a default', // Default value
Add a textarea to your new metabox:
'my-text-arae', // Textarea name
array(), // Additional attributes
'My text area', // Associated label text
'I am a default', // Default value
Add a checkbox to your new metabox:
'my-checkbox', // Checkbox name
array(), // Additional attributes
'My checkbox' // Associated label text
Add a select input to your new metabox:
'my-select', // Select name
array( // Options
0 => 'Yes',
1 => 'No'
true, // Multiple
array( // Additional attributes
'size' => 5
'My select' // Associated label text
Access meta data via prefix + metabox id. Data is stored as array with input names as keys.
$meta = get_post_meta( $postId, 'prefix_my-metabox', true );
echo $meta['my-text-field'];