SSB=simple subdomain bruteforcer
SSB Tries to find subdomains for a domain and scan them for ports/services. When SSB has identified all of the services the subdomain is running, it will then scan the services for common misconfigurations and credentials.
SSB scans the subdomains for the most common ports and services i've seen in the wild.
Update: Mark_v0: Scans for ports in the found subdomains.
Update: Mark_v3: SSH Bruteforce added and ftp threads increased, problems with report generating solved.
Update: Mark_v5: Mysql, Smb, Telnet bruteforce added, rpcbind program lister added, errors now shown in cyan instead of red and SSB can now automatically use sublist3r to scan for subdomains.
Update: Mark_v6: Added HTTP Method detection and PARAMIKO will get overwritten to prevent error pop ups that would flood the screen if not mitigated (And yes, from my research, updating the actual library is the only way to control the exceptions that are made INSIDE the module)
Update: Mark_v7: Complete redisign of the ui, switching to flag based ui, you can decide wether to only validate or validate AND scan the subdomains
Update: Mark_v8: Added flags and hotfixes
Update: Mark_v9: Added new scan type: light_scan (only service detection)
Update: Mark_v10: Flag ui upgraded to argparse
Update: Mark_v11: ssb now uses 3 different programs to find subdomains (sublis3r,findomain,assetfinder)
Update: Mark_v11.2.1: Added url discovery and finding sensitive files in those urls, fixed bug in color handling
Update: Mark_v13.3.2: Added target list mode, colored errors, fixed alot of stuff :D
I started this project on 2.2.2022
chmod +x
And you're done, now just launch the app using PYTHON3
python3 ssb
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t [TARGET], --target [TARGET]
(not_necessary) Target to scan
-tl [TARGET_LIST], --target-list [TARGET_LIST]
(not_necessary) Target list (used with -s 4)
--scan-type SCAN_TYPE, --scan-type SCAN_TYPE
(necessary) Scan types: Validate, light_scan,
scan Validate=validates if subdomain exists
light_scan=service detection scan=all of the mentioned
+ bruteforce
-s SCAN_METHOD, --scan-method SCAN_METHOD
(necessary) Subdomain find method:
1=Automated 2=Wordlist 3=Only this domain 4=Read
targets from a list (no subdomain enumeration)
--dns-threads [DNS_THREADS], --dns-threads [DNS_THREADS]
(not_necessary) The amount of threads that will
validate subdomains (default=10)
--web-threads [WEB_THREADS], --web-threads [WEB_THREADS]
(not_necessary) The amount of threads that will be
requesting files in the http discovery phase (works
only with scan scan_type) (Default:40)
-w [WORDLIST], --wordlist [WORDLIST]
(not_necessary) Wordlist (used with -s 2)
./ssb -t -s 1 --scan-type scan
./ssb -t -s 2 -w subdomains.txt --scan-type light_scan
./ssb -t -s 1 --scan-type validate
./ssb -tl hosts.txt -s 4 --scan-type scan
Mysql Bruteforce
SSH Bruteforce
FTP Anonymous Account Check
FTP Bruteforce
Smb Anonymous Account Check
Smb Bruteforce
Http/Https File Discovery
Http/Https Method Scan
Url discovery, sensitive file discovery
Telnet Bruteforce
Rpcbind Process Lister
+Uses DNS resolving instead of a port specific or ping scan.
-DNS is slower than using the port scanning method.
+Validates HTTP and HTTPS ports by actually making a request instead of relying off the fact that it is open (many http/https ports that i've seen in the wild are timeouts)
-+Easy to use so that it is fast for pen-testers but also script kiddies can operate this which is bad...
+Automatically scans subdomains without having the need for the hassle of scanning subdomains, making a list, nmap scanning them.
+Does ftp/smb anonyous account checks.
+Reasonable timeouts so you won't have to worry about "Is it even doing anything?/Did it feeze?" because it proceeds to another scan automatically if another one times out.