Counter Challenge: Make a simple counter. Bonus: Make it loop between 0 and 9.
Swatch Challenge: Make the "previous" and "next" buttons change the active swatch. Also make the active swatch change on click.
Todo App - Wire me up!: This Todo app just needs JavaScript for it to work!
Phrase Scrambler/Password Generator
Clearfix: Add/remove the "clearfix" class and see what happens.
Inline Block + Vertical Align Interaction: Add/remove the "vertical-align" declaration to see what it does to inline-block elements of differing heights.
Images and the CSS Display Property
HSL Notes: Tips on how to use HSL values
Simple Looping State Diagram: Intro to FSMs.
Using CSS classes to emulate state: An analogy for how AngularJS + UI Router work, but just using CSS classes.
Radial Gradient Spheres in Different Materials: Faking 3D
Hex to RGB to HSL Converter: How do hex, RGB, and HSL values relate to each other? The best way to understand is to analyze the code.
Rotating Rectangles in X, Y, Z with visible axes: CSS in 3D, part I
Simple Rotating Cube: CSS in 3D, part II
Cube with Mouse Tracking: CSS in 3D, part III
Window.localStorage - Web APIs | MDN
Window.sessionStorage - Web APIs | MDN
IndexedDB API - Web APIs | MDN
Web SQL Database - Wikipedia: Deprecated, but links might still exist!
this - JavaScript | MDN: Great details on lexical vs dynamic scope
ECMAScript 6: New Features: Overview and Comparison
eval() isn’t evil, just misunderstood - NCZOnline
Javascript by reference vs. by value - Stack Overflow
JavaScript Design Patterns -
Better JavaScript with ES6, Pt. II: A Deep Dive into Classes | Scotch
WebAIM: Introduction to Web Accessibility
Rails Panel: Helpful Chrome Extension
better_errors: A better error page
peek: Take a peek into your Rails applications
acts-as-taggable-on: A tagging plugin for Rails applications that allows for custom tagging along dynamic contexts
CanCanCommunity/cancancan: The authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails: A simple (but less scalable) alternative to Pundit
simple_form: Forms made easy for Rails!
Understanding Polymorphic Associations in Rails
Change data in migrations like a boss – Rails Guides
A Way to Organize POROs in Rails
Alexa Skill Testing Tool -
Publishing Your Skill Code to Lambda via the Command Line Interface : Alexa Blogs
lambda-local: Test locally
Cucumber: Students should at least be aware of it in case it comes up in interviews