Plug and play system that allows you to push updates/new content for installed cordova app. This gives more control for pushing your updates and avoids web store update system.
Android - tested
iOS - not tested
Windows phone - not tested
- Copy bootstrapper.html, bootstrapper.js and bootstrapperConfig.js to '../your_cordova_project/www'.
- Set in '../your_cordova_project/config.xml' path to bootstrapper.html: .
- add to '../your_cordova_project/www'. The archive should contain www directory with your app files.
- add to '../your_cordova_project/www'. The archive should contain cordova.js, cordova_plugins.js and directory "plugins" with plugins. Note that all content of should correspont to the specific platform you are working with. In this repository 'www/' file corresponds to android platform.
- optionally content zip files could be added to '../your_cordova_project/www'.
- add version.json, and optionally to your update_server. DropBox is ok too :).
- install all dependencies.
All of the added content would be unpacked at the first run of the application.
appNameSpace - root directory for your app in the device's File System.
packageFolder - use 'www' for cordova projects.
downloadDir - name of the temporary directory for downloads from server. Would be deleted after each update.
embeddedApp - name of the zip file that contains www dir with your app.
embeddedCordova - name of the zip file that contains platform cpecific cordova files and plugins.
appEntry - entry point for your app.
serverDir - URI to the directory on update_server.
configName - name of the json file which contains info about updates.