A Visualizer* is an interactive application to visualize the A* pathfinding algorithm in a grid with obstacles. The heuristic function used is the Manhattan distance.
It uses the Gosu game development library.
To install this ruby gem, use the gem
gem install astar_visualizer
To launch the A* Visualizer, use this command:
You can also use the irb
require 'astar_visualizer'
You can also choose the size of the grid:
astar-visualizer SIZE
SIZE must be a number between 10 and 100 (default: 50).
It will open a window with the grid. Then:
- Left click on a node to choose the start node.
- Left click on another node to choose the end node.
- Left click on nodes to put obstacles. Right click on them if you want to remove them.
- Press ENTER to launch the A* algorithm. If a path is found, the path is colored in yellow and the visited nodes in cyan.
- Press SUPPR to clear the window.