This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
The user should be able to;
- View the optimal layout for the website depending on their screen sizes
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the website
- Scroll horizonatally on each section on the home page to view more movies
- View more information on the movie when the info icon on each movie card is clicked
- Add a movie or tv show to their watchlist by clicking on the plus icon when hovering on the movie card
- Search for a movie or tv show in the watchlist page
- Add a movie or tv show from your watchlist to your watched movies
- Remove a movie from your watchlist or watched movies
- Add a movie back to your watchlist when you click on the eye slash icon in your watched movies card
- View all top rated movies in the top rated page.
- React.JS
- Tailwind.CSS
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- The Movie Database Api
- Axios
- react-inifinte-scroll-component
- react-modal
- react-toastify
- react-router-dom
- View trailers for a movie or tv show
- See similar movies or tv shows for a particular movie or tv show
- Recommended section where users discover new movies or tv shows based on what they like.