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SAMMCharts is a Javascript visualization library for the Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM)


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SAMMCharts is a Javascript visualization library for the Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) version 1.0. It comes with capabilities to generate scorecards for the maturity level of an organization or individual projects as well as a road map visualization and phase summaries that you might be familiar with from the case studies of SAMM 1.0.


SAMMCharts requires jQuery 1.9.x or newer to work. Simply add the following to your website to get started with SAMMCharts.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="samm-charts.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

SammCharts is developed as an AMD module so you can easily integrate with RequireJS. See SAMM Roadmap with RequireJS for an example setup.

Getting Started

The library has two components: SAMMCharts.Scorecard and SAMMCharts.Roadmap. The SAMMCharts object itself has two optional global configuration properties, that will apply for both components.


(Optional) - base URL of the server hosting the SAMM images. Use this parameter if you want to host the images in your intranet. Default is

SAMMCharts.imgURLBase = "";


(Optional) - Suffix that will be prepended to the image URL. Default is an empty string ''.

SAMMCharts.imgURLSuffix = "?version=1234567";


A SAMM Scorecard visualizes the state of your organization or individual projects in regards to the maturity model. The listed business functions and practices directly link to the matching pages of the OpenSAMM online documentation at OWASP.


var scorecard = new SAMMCharts.Scorecard({
    element: '#scorecard',
    scores: {
        governance: [0.5, 0, 2],
        construction: [0, 0.5, 0],
        verification: [0.5, 1.5, 0],
        deployment: [0, 0.5, 3]

To render the chart simply call render().


See Scorecard as standalone Javascript for a working example.


The scorecard constructor expects a configuration object as its parameter with the following properties, optional properties are marked with (Optional).


The jQuery element selector in the DOM where to append the scorecard, e.g. #scorecard


The scores object which has a property for each business function (case-sensitive), each having an array of their practices' levels. Allowed level values are integers between 0 and 3 as well as .5 floating numbers for semi-levels. The business function properties are:

  • governance
  • construction
  • verification
  • deployment


  • render() - renders the scorecard to the DOM.


A Roadmap visualizes your organization's plan to achieve a certain maturity level for SAMM practices in multiple phases over time. The Roadmap is rendered as a canvas element and can be downloaded as an image easily by right-clicking on it in your browser and selecting "Save image as...".


var roadmap = new SAMMCharts.Roadmap({
    element: '#roadmap',
    phaseCount: 4,
    roadmap: {
        SM: [1,2,2,3],
        PC: [0,1,1,2],
        EG: [1,2,2,2],
        TA: [0,1,1,2],
        SR: [1,1,2,3],
        SA: [0,0,1,1],
        DR: [0,0,1,2],
        CR: [1,2,2,2],
        ST: [1,1,2,2],
        VM: [1,1,2,3],
        EH: [0,0,1,2],
        OE: [0,1,2,3]

See Roadmap with RequireJS for a working example.


The Roadmap constructor expects a configuration object as its parameter with the following properties, optional properties are marked with (Optional).


The jQuery element selector in the DOM where to append the roadmap to, e.g. #roadmap


The number of phases for the roadmap. Allowed values are integers greater than 0.


An object containing properties for each practice. Each practice contains an array of levels ordered by phases, where each level is an integer between 1 and 3. The first entry in the array represents the level of phase 1, the second entry the level of phase 2 etc. Property names for the practices are:

  • SM - Strategy & Metrics
  • PC - Policy & Compliance
  • EG - Education & Guidance
  • TA - Threat Assessment
  • SR - Security Requirements
  • SA - Secure Architecture
  • DR - Design Review
  • CR - Code Review
  • ST - Security Testing
  • VM - Vulnerability Management
  • EH - Environment Hardening
  • OE - Operational Enablement
var roadmap = new SAMMCharts.Roadmap({
    roadmap: {
        SM: [1,2,2,3,3,3],
        PC: [0,1,1,2,2,2],
        EG: [1,2,2,2,2,2],
        TA: [0,1,1,2,2,2],
        SR: [1,1,2,3,3,3],
        SA: [0,0,1,1,1,1],
        DR: [0,0,1,2,2,2],
        CR: [1,2,2,2,2,2],
        ST: [1,1,2,2,2,2],
        VM: [1,1,2,3,3,3],
        EH: [0,0,1,2,2,2],
        OE: [0,1,2,3,3,3]


(Optional) - Boolean flag which specifies if the efforts summary should be appended to the bottom of the roadmap. Default is true


(Optional) - A jQuery element selector which specifies where to append a detailed report to for all phases listing all activities to be achieved in the phase. To render the summary, you have to call renderPhaseSummaries() explicitly.

var roadmap = new SAMMCharts.Roadmap({
    phasesSummaryElement: "#summary"

To individually render the summary for a specific phase, see the renderPhaseSummary(phase, element) method below.


(Optional) - The alpha level of the colored bars. The allowed value is a floating number between 0 and 1. Default is 0.7


(Optional) - An object for the styling of fonts of labels for phases, practices, and efforts. Each label type has three properties:

  • size - the size of the font in pixel
  • font - the font family
  • style - the font style: bold, italic

You can override the default settings by only setting the values that you want to change, e.g. to only change the font family, simply add:

var roadmap = new SAMMCharts.Roadmap({
    fonts: {
        phases: {
            font: "Helvetica"
        practices: {
            font: "Helvetica"
        efforts: {
            font: "Helvetica"

The default values are:

var roadmap = new SAMMCharts.Roadmap({
    fonts: {
        phases: {
            size: "10",
            font: "Arial",
            style: "italic"
        practices: {
            size: "10",
            font: "Arial",
            style: "bold"
        efforts: {
            size: "11",
            font: "Arial",
            style: "bold"


(Optional) - An object for setting colors of rulers and background bars. The following colors can be set:

  • header - phases header text color - default: #000
  • arrow - phase arrow color - default: #AAA
  • barLight - the light color of the phase column - default: #F3F3F3
  • barRegular - the regular color of the phase column - default: #EEE
  • barDark - the dark color of the phase column - default: #DDD
  • ruler - the level ruler color - default: #ADADAD

You can override the default colors by only setting the values that you want to change, e.g. to only change the color of the phase header labels, simply add:

colors = {
    header: "red"


(Optional) - An object for displaying the current phases levels as an overlay to the road map. The phase number and the levels are expected as properties. See Roadmap with Current Phase Overlay for an example.

  • phase - the number of the current phase. Must be an Integer greater 0 and lesser phaseCount
  • levels - An object containing a property for each practice. See roadmap for expected practice values. Each practice contains the value of the current level which is an Integer between 1 and 3.
var roadmap = new SAMMCharts.Roadmap({
    currentPhase: {
        phase: 2,
        levels: {
            SM: 1,
            PC: 1,
            EG: 2,
            TA: 1,
            SR: 1,
            SA: 0,
            DR: 0,
            CR: 1,
            ST: 2,
            VM: 1,
            EH: 0,
            OE: 1


  • render() - renders the roadmap.
  • renderPhaseSummaries() - renders the phase summaries for all phases. To get an overview which activities an organization has to achieve during a phase for each phase the changed maturity levels and their activities are displayed. The levels are also linked to the online OpenSAMM documentation at OWASP.
  • renderPhaseSummary(phase, element) - appends the summary of the given phase to the given jQuery element selector.

Browser compatibility

SAMMCharts is tested with Firefox (39+), Chrome(44+) and Internet Explorer 11 on Windows/Linux but should work on older browser versions that support the Canvas HTML element, too.


Some of the tests require the js-imagediff library. Please check the documentation for installation instructions. To start the tests simply run the command npm test which will start the Karma server and execute the Jasmine specs in the local Firefox installation.


Thanks to the contributors of SAMM and its materials which are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License (


This library was developed by Alexander v. Buchholtz at Qudosoft


Copyright 2015-2017 Qudosoft GmbH & Co. KG

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


SAMMCharts is a Javascript visualization library for the Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM)







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