System-configure is a git solution for git the configure file of system.Such as linux ,windows and so on. I find the paper from here : This paper talk about function used factury model for general each configure file on each platform(linux ,windows or mac). I think this is a betty way for reinstall the operating system. So i build this git repository for achieve this idear. But I'm new for bash coding,the repository here is uncompleted. If you want use this git repository,you should look before you leap.
When you want reinstall your operating system or install your favorite os on new hardware. This repository will help!
You can use this in any hardware with system like linux or windows. You need make true that system had bash or other sh program for run .sh file for deploy configure file automatic.
As above said,the bash or other program like it must need !
#git clone
#./YOUR_GIT_PATH/System-Configure/bin/ -r listfile
ps: you need edit listfile. more detail see listfile
#./YOUR_GIT_PATH/System-Configure/bin/ -b listfile
ps: you need add file path into listfile before update!
ps:here only had git sh for update to github. If you want to update cvs or other thing. You need write it by your self!
2 See paper here:
You can rewrite files in bin directry as you like.
Now Some important function is not work! I'm complete it now ! You must name directory with System-Configure. The script will error when directory name wrong!
You can just leav message on github or send me email<> Thank you for reading! Good Luck every day !