This is my basic blackjack game written in Haskell. It runs in a terminal window and allows the user to play against a dealer who follows a set of rules on whether to draw a card or fold. The user can decide whether or not to fold throughout the game.
The bot is currently running with username blackjack-hs-bot on freenode. PM to interact with the bot.
Your first message initiates contact with the bot and then further messages are taken as commands.
Bet followed by a number will start a hand and allow you to hit/stay.
To draw another card, send the hit command.
Once you send the stay command, the dealer will then draw cards until his hand has a higher value than yours or he reaches a value of 17 or higher.
- If the player has an equal or higher value hand than the dealer, he wins.
- If the player goes bust or has a lower value hand than the dealer, he loses.
Once you have all of the dependencies you can compile and run the Bot with
ghc Bot.hs
Ensure that you have given your bot an appropriate name within the Bot.hs source file
Compile the Application with ghc Game.hs --make
Run the application with ./Game
sudo dnf install Haskell-Platform
cabal install --only-dependencies