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font-awesome-qml provides the Font Awesome web fonts to Qt Quick/QML engine.

How to use

  1. Add the file FontAwesome.qml and controls folder to your project.

  2. If necessary import FontAwesome types

import "controls" as Awesome
  1. Using Font Awesome:
// main.qml

import "controls" as Awesome

Window {

  FontAwesome {
    id: awesome
    // resource: "qrc:///resource/fontawesome-webfont.ttf"
    resource: ""

  Text {
      id: text
      font.pointSize: 180
      text: awesome.loaded ? awesome.icons.fa_money : ""

  Awesome.Text {
    icon: awesome.icons.fa_money
    text: "fa_money"

  Awesome.Button {
    icon: awesome.icons.fa_money
    text: "fa_money"

Avaliable Properties

// Alias to acess individual font-awesome variables (icons)
property alias icons:

// Property to chech if the Font Loader it is ready, if it is using the remote
// font-awesome CDN it is necessary to check and wait for to be true.
property alias loaded: false

// Set font-awesome Font Loader source
property alias resource

// Return font family name
readonly property string family: "FontAwesome"


I needed to replace the "-" character, from Font Awesome icons name, to "_", because QML/JS doesn't accept minus character at variables name.

You can see all availables icons at controls/Variables.qml file.

Versions Tested

Qt Version   : 5.9
Font Awesome : 4.7.0




Font Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit.

Qt Project - True cross-platform framework.

"Using Fonts Awesome in QML" by markg85.


Created by Ricardo do Valle.


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