Source control for binary files via Google Drive
You need ruby and gdrive.
Copy the pit file into a directory that's in your PATH
Find the directory you want to clone in the Google Drive website and open it. In the URL, you'll notice a long id at the end, like this:<suspiciously-long-hash>
Copy it, and then open the terminal. Go to the directory you want to download into, and do:
pit clone <suspiciously-long-hash>
Likewise for pit init
Because it looks like git, but it's more like throwing your files in a pit.
We were trying to do a collab in Unreal Engine 4, and we used git. However, UE4's assets are binary files, and git keeps a copy for every version of a binary. So we reached our disk quota fast. And after a week of procrastination and bad decisions, pit was magically born.