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Local debug

  1. Generate a private key for Firebase service account here using “Generate new private key” button.
  2. Save the private key JSON file as credentials.json.local in the root of the repository directory. This file is ignored by GIT.
  3. Run firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json in the functions folder once to get a copy of the config for the local functions shell. You can edit the JSON file if needed.
  4. Run npm run build:watch to continuosly build the source code while the shell is running.
  5. Run the Firebase Emulators task to emulate the functions locally.
  6. Alternatively, run the Functions Shell task to enter the Cloud Functions shell and invoke your function interactively.


When hosted on Firebase Hosting, all Firebase configuration will be automatically obtained from the Hosting.

For local debugging add the following variables into your .env.development.local file:


Values can be obtained from

Also add other variables from the Frontend environment variables section.


  • webpack is overriden to avoid having v5 installed.
  • css-loader is overriden to v3 because later versions require webpack@^5.
  • terser-webpack-plugin is overriden to v2 in order to use newer MD4 implementation ( Naturally, @vue/cli-service requires v1 of terser-webpack-plugin. But it works fine with v2.
  • react-dom is overriden to avoid resolution issue caused by react-select.

Firebase project set up

  1. Create a Firebase project.
  2. Add a web app in the Firebase console. Also set up Firebase Hosting for this app during adding it.
  3. Connect custom domain app.[base domain] to the hosting.
  4. Enable Sign-in providers.
  5. Add custom domain into Authorized domains.
  6. Set up consent screen.
  7. Create a database.
  8. Create a user with coordinator role in the database. See for details.
  9. Create storage buckets: original, te.uploads, edited, restored.
  10. Enable Sheets API for the project.
  11. Enable Identity and Access Management (IAM) API for the project.
  12. Add “Service Account Token Creator” (needed for signing storage URLs according to and “Storage Object Viewer” roles to the “App Engine default service account” in IAM console.
  13. Add App Engine default service account as editor to all the Google spreadsheets and allow it to edit protected ranges.
  14. Deploy the project using the guidelies below.


  1. Set functions environment configuration, see all the configuration parameters described below.
  2. Set frontent environment variables in the .env.production.local file, see all the variables described below.
  3. Set up deploy targets for Cloud Storage: firebase target:apply storage uploads te.uploads.<project.domain>.
  4. Deploy: firebase deploy.

Functions environment configuration

Key Description
project.domain Root domain used for hosting and storage
email.connection SMTP connection string
email.sender.address Email sender address Email sender name
coordinator.email_address Coordinator email address
coordinator.timezone Coordinator timezone. For example, Asia/Calcutta
sqr.spreadsheet_id Sound Quality Reporting spreadsheet id
registrations.spreadsheet_id User registrations spreadsheet id Content Reporting submissions spreadsheet id Content Reporting Processing spreadsheet id Content Reporting allotments spreadsheet id Donations spreadsheet id Donations sheet name Email address used in donations communication Track Editing spreadsheet id
te.coordinator.email_address Track Editing coordinator mailbox Fidelity Check spreadsheet id
directus.url An address of the Directus CMS
directus.token A token to access the Directus CMS
final.publication.bucket A bucket for publicly-accessible MP3 files
final.publication.invokers A list of comma-delimited identities that are allowed to invoke the Final.publish HTTP function Transcription Spreadsheet Id of the Drive folder where transcripts are stored
transcription.coordinator.email_address Transcription coordinator mailbox

Frontend environment variables

Variable Description
VUE_APP_ASSIGNEES_URL URL for getting assignees in legacy allotment forms
VUE_APP_CR_LISTS_URL URL for getting CR lists
VUE_APP_CR_FILES_URL URL for getting CR files
VUE_APP_CR_ALLOT_URL URL for processing CR allotment

Maintenance mode

In order to deploy the frontend in maintenance mode replace index.html with maintenance.html in the hosting/rewrites section of the firebase.json file.