Install nodejs
sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 16
Install pnpm and nodejs
curl -fsSL | bash -
pnpm env use --global 16
Refer to the following documentation:
Refer to the following documentations:
For Debian/Ubuntu systems, you may need to install python3-venv
sudo apt install python3-venv
pnpm install
You may also install dependencies for only a subset of the packages
pnpm install -w --filter <package>...
If you would like to use PostgreSQL, you will also need to install and set it up. The defaults are for PostgreSQL to be listening on
We can use Docker to quickly bring up a PostgreSQL instance.
Install docker:
Start a a database instance: docker run -it --rm --name rmf-postgres --network=host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres
To stop the instance: docker kill rmf-postgres
Alternatively, we can install PostgreSQL 'bare metal'.
apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib -y
# Set a default password
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';"
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
# interactive prompt
sudo -i -u postgres
To manually reset the database:
sudo -u postgres bash -c "dropdb postgres; createdb postgres"
Before running the commands, make sure that rmf is sourced.
cd packages/dashboard
pnpm start
When presented with a login screen, use user=admin password=admin
This launches a development server with the office world from rmf_demos
. The server is useful for development but is obviously not useful for actual usage.
See the rmf-dashboard docs.
First thing to try is to build rmf from source, in order to speed up development, rmf-web
may use in-development features of rmf. That means that the binary releases may not have the features required, sometimes the features rmf-web
uses may be so new that not even the rolling releases has it.
Refer to rmf_demos for instructions to build rmf. You should end up with a colcon workspace with all of rmf packages, remember to source the workspace before running any of the commands.