An ASP.NET Web Forms based file manager.
This project began with a need to evaluate ImageProcessor, and grew into a proof-of-concept web application to demonstrate how various open source projects can be combined to create a web-based file manager. It can be integrated into more complex applications such as content management systems, corporate intranets etc.
The open source projects that I have integrated are:
- ImageProcessor (
- Plupload (
- Bootstrap (
- js-cookie (
- Font Awesome (
- jQuery (
Some of the features are:
- Detail and tile views.
- Image thumbnails in tile view.
- Click a file in tile view to see file details such as name, path, date/time details, size, image dimensions and image preview.
- Multi-file upload with progress monitoring.
- Public and secure directories.
- Bulk delete.
#Requirements Visual Studio or a web server that can host an ASP.NET v4.5.2 website.
#Configuration You can edit the UserUploadDirectory in the appSettings section of the Web.config file. The secure file directory is hard coded to App_Data/secure-files.
#Security Make sure to set the path to the UserUploadDirectory in the Web.config file to make sure that users cannot upload and execute malicious files.