This is MovinThings, a visualization web component for things moving in geo-space, in other words: a map with moving dots and more. Data comes from a configurable, generic backend, normally polling a FIWARE Orion Context Broker. Other data sources can be adapted to.
Here's the screenshot of a demo:
MovinThings provides a generic visualization component for the FIWARE Orion Context Broker. Find out more about FIWARE on the FIWARE Home Page.
MovinThings is released under the EUPL 1.2.
MovinThings is developed in a collaboration between PACE, the innovation team of the City of Vienna, Austria, Swiss Smart Technologies and Profirator.
The documentation is formatted with MkDocs. The Markdown sources are in docs/docs.
If MkDocs is installed, the following commands serve the documentation:
cd docs
mkdocs serve
If Docker is installed, MkDocs can also be run from a Docker image:
cd docs
docker run --rm -v "`pwd`:/app" -w /app -p 8000:8000 minidocks/mkdocs serve -a
If Docker Compose is installed, one of the supplied compose files can be used.
Vienna and Profirator use very different environments and setups. First, please clone the project. Then, if you are
- Vienna: execute build/
- Profirator: execute build/
- Anyone else: execute build/
After the setup has been executed once, docker-compose.yml
will be a symbolic link to the chosen configuration.
As the name implies, build/ configures a single service, serving the documentation. The configurations for Vienna and Profirator each start a backend and a demo page with the component, utilizing the backend. Both configurations need a running FIWARE Orion Context Broker with a certain unique configuration. Therefore, the supplied backend and demo configurations only work for the contributors. Please read the docs for how to create your own configuration.
At this point, the project can be started, running
docker-compose up --build
Once app runs, documentation is served under localhost:8000.
Finally, if nothing else works, you can always look at the markdown files in docs/docs.