This repository contains a Flutter test designed to assess the proficiency of new applicants. The tests cover key areas such as state management, UI design, API integration, and best practices for Flutter development. Applicants are required to build a movie browsing application that integrates with an external API and Firebase for data storage and management.
Create a Flutter app for a movie browsing application with the following functionalities:
- Movie List: Fetch and display a list of movies in a scrollable list, with pagination support.
- Movie Details: Display additional movie information when a movie is clicked.
- Favorites Management: Allow users to mark/unmark movies as favorites and save this information in Firebase.
- Favorites Screen: Display the list of favorite movies stored in Firebase.
- Dark/Light Theme Toggle: Implement a theme toggle for dark and light modes.
- State Management: Use BLoC or Cubit for managing the app's state.
- Firebase Integration: Implement Firebase Firestore for storing favorite movies.
- Firebase Firestore: Use Firebase Firestore to save and retrieve the list of favorite movies.
- Firebase Authentication: Firebase Authentication is not required. You can store favorites in a collection with auto-generated Firebase document IDs.
API Documentation: You will be using the TheMovieDB API for fetching movie data. Please refer to the documentation for available endpoints.
Access Tokens:
- Create a free account on TheMovieDB and get the following token and key from API settings:
- Create a free account on TheMovieDB and get the following token and key from API settings:
- Fetch a list of movies using the provided API and display them in a scrollable list using the API endpoint:
- Implement pagination to load more movies when the user scrolls to the bottom of the list.
- When a movie is clicked, navigate to a detailed view showing additional information using the API endpoint:
- Implement a search bar to filter movies by name. This should be done on the frontend using array logic.
- Allow users to mark/unmark movies as favorites.
- Save favorite movies to Firebase Firestore.
- Create a separate screen to display the list of favorite movies fetched from Firebase Firestore.
- Implement a theme toggle that allows users to switch between light and dark themes.
- Integrate Firebase into the app.
- Use Firebase Firestore to store and retrieve the favorite movie list.
- Save Favorites: When a user marks a movie as a favorite, store it in Firestore.
- Fetch Favorites: On the "Favorites" screen, fetch and display favorite movies stored in Firestore.
- Use Cubit or BLoC to manage states for fetching movies, handling favorites, and managing theme settings.
- Break down the UI into reusable widgets such as:
- Properly integrate Firebase for Firestore data storage.
- Efficiently fetch and display the list of favorite movies.
- Design a clean, scalable network layer for fetching movie data from the API.
- Unit Testing: Write unit tests for the Cubit/ BLoC logic.
- Animation: Add animations like screen transitions or a favorite toggle effect.
- Use models for both Firebase and API data to ensure clean code and maintainable architecture.
- Ensure that the app handles edge cases such as empty responses, errors, and network issues gracefully.
- Make sure the app is responsive and works well on different dimension phones.
Once you’ve completed the task, please:
- Push your code to a GitHub repository.
- Ensure that all code is well-documented with meaningful comments.
- Write clear instructions for running the app and testing the functionalities.
Good luck!