Strapper is used as a general-purpose toolbox for writing PowerShell scripts. It contains functions to assist with logging, registry management, installing other modules from GitHub, and more.
Install from the PS Gallery
Install-Module -Name Strapper -Force
Alternative Install (Requires Module Builder)
git clone ""
Push-Location -Path "./Strapper"
Remove-Item -Path ./Output -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$buildLocation = Build-Module -SourcePath ./Strapper -PassThru
Copy-Item -Path ./Strapper/Libraries -Destination $buildLocation.ModuleBase -Recurse
Strapper is primarily intended for use inside of another script, but it will work perfectly well on the console. Check out the document for more information about the available functions.
# Import Strapper
Import-Module Strapper
# Writes to the log file, the Information stream, and the Strapper database.
Write-Log -Message 'It works!' -Level Information