This is a web application that is used to explore the transactions from PrivateSky.
- React (16.3.2) application (starting from react-slingshot) that is using the following main libraries:
- react-router-dom - route handling
- redux + redux-thunk - store handling
- material-ui - view components
- react-intl - handles translations
- Testing:
- eslint + prettier - static analysis
- jest - test runner (unit/integration tests)
- Node.js application that is using the Express.js web application framework
To install the frontend packages the following command must be run (from the root of the project):
yarn install
To install the backend packages the following command must be run (from the root of the project):
cd api
yarn install
- Running in development mode doesn't require any special configuration
- Running in development mode will require the creation of a file called .env inside the api folder (because the .env file should never be committed to git).
- a sample file (.env.sample) is provided in the same api folder that contains the required structured for .env as well as explanations for each configuration
- for simplicity, here is a sample of what the .env file should look like:
#server config
- To run the application in development mode, the following command must be run:
yarn start
- To run the frontend unit/integration tests, the following command must be run:
yarn test