In this project, we will create a Line-following, Maze-solving bot which can find the shortest path in the given maze.
Artifical Intelligence, Control Systems, Embedded C, Graph algorithms, Electronics, Basics of PCB design
- Learn to design PCB and understand the design of PCB used in MazeBlaze bot
- Understand and improvise electronic components used in MazeBlaze bot
- Testing Line-sensor-array, motor drivers and interfacing encoders.
- Implementing left follow rule
- Implementing path planing
┣ 📂assets // Contains all the reference gifs, images
┣ 📂documentation
┣ 📂firmware // Code files
┣ 📂1_lsa // Contains code for getting readings from LSA
┃ ┣ 📂main
┃ ┃ ┗ 📄main.c
┃ ┃ ┣ 📄CMakeList.txt
┃ ┣ 📄CMakeList.txt
┣ 📂3_encoders // Contains code for interfacing encoders
┣ 📂4_line_following // Contains code for line following
┣ 📂5_left_follow // Contains code for left-follow-rule and path planning
┣ 📂6_boot
┣ 📂Components // Contains all the header and source files used in project
┣ 📂include
┣ 📂src
┣ 📂esp-wifi-logger
┣ 📄CMakeList.txt
To download and use this code, the minimum requirements are:
- Windows 7 or later (64-bit), Ubuntu 20.04 or later
- Microsoft VS Code or any other IDE
Clone the project by typing the following command in your Terminal/CommandPrompt
git clone
Navigate to the MazeBlaze-v2.1 folder
cd MazeBlaze-v2.1
Once the requirements are satisfied, you can easily download the project and use it on your machine. After following the above steps , use the following commands to:
To activate the IDF
To build the code build
To flash the code -p (PORT) flash monitor
- Implementing better algorithms for Maze solving such as DFS, BFS, Djikstra's algorithm etc. on the bot
- Improve on the design and model of MazeBlaze-v2.1
- Achive higher speeds by increasing the efficiency of bot
- SRA VJTI Eklavya 2022
- Special thanks to our mentors Chinmay Lonkar, Marck Koothoor, Mateen Shah and all the seniors at SRA, VJTI for their constant support and guidance throughout the project.
- MazeBlaze-v1 Github repository of MazeBlaze-v1
- Encoders reference to interface interrupt service routine in Esp-32.