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Extern initialized arrays of floats (and doubles)
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andrew-appel authored Jan 31, 2023
2 parents 716e30e + a3fad25 commit dfdb551
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Showing 7 changed files with 412 additions and 76 deletions.
283 changes: 282 additions & 1 deletion floyd/globals_lemmas.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -586,6 +586,238 @@ Proof.
apply derives_refl.

Definition float_type (sz: floatsize) : Type :=
match sz with F32 => float32 | F64 => float end.

Definition float_constructor (sz: floatsize) : float_type sz -> val
:= match sz with F32 => Vsingle | F64 => Vfloat end.

Definition floattype2init_data (sz: floatsize) : (float_type sz -> init_data) :=
match sz with F32 => Init_float32 | F64 => Init_float64 end.

Lemma id2pred_star_ZnthV_tfloat {cs: compspecs}:
forall Delta sz gz sh n (v: val) (data: list (float_type sz)) mdata,
n = Zlength mdata ->
mdata = map (floattype2init_data sz) data ->
!! isptr v && !! align_compatible (Tfloat sz noattr) v &&
!! offset_strict_in_range (sizeof (Tfloat sz noattr) * n) v &&
`(id2pred_star Delta gz sh v mdata) |--
`(data_at sh (tarray (Tfloat sz noattr) n) (map (float_constructor sz) data) v).
Proof. intros.
subst n mdata.
replace (Zlength (map (floattype2init_data sz) data)) with (Zlength data)
by (repeat rewrite Zlength_correct; rewrite map_length; auto).
match goal with |- ?F _ _ _ _ _ _ |-- _ => change F with @id2pred_star end.
change (offset_strict_in_range (sizeof (Tfloat sz noattr) * Zlength data) v) in H1.
assert (offset_strict_in_range (sizeof (Tfloat sz noattr) * 0) v) by
(unfold offset_strict_in_range; destruct v; auto; pose proof Ptrofs.unsigned_range i; lia).
unfold tarray.
set (t := Tfloat sz noattr) in *.
revert v H H0 H1 H2; induction data; intros.
rewrite Zlength_nil. unfold data_at, field_at; simpl.
unfold at_offset; simpl.
unfold nested_field_type; simpl.
rewrite data_at_rec_eq. unfold aggregate_pred.aggregate_pred.array_pred.
unfold aggregate_pred.array_pred. simpl.
repeat apply andp_right; auto; try apply prop_right; try reflexivity.
hnf. simpl.
split3; auto.
split3; auto.
hnf. destruct v; auto. replace (sizeof (Tarray (Tfloat sz noattr) 0 noattr)) with 0 by (destruct sz; simpl; auto).
pose proof Ptrofs.unsigned_range i; lia.
hnf; destruct v; auto. apply align_compatible_rec_Tarray. intros. lia.
rewrite Zlength_cons.
simpl map.
unfold id2pred_star; fold @id2pred_star.
erewrite (split2_data_at_Tarray sh t (Z.succ (Zlength data)) 1).
4: rewrite sublist_same.
4: apply eq_refl.
2: list_solve.
2: list_solve. 2: auto. 2: list_solve. 2: apply eq_refl. 2: apply eq_refl.
rewrite (sublist_one) by list_solve.
autorewrite with sublist.
rewrite sublist_1_cons.
rewrite sublist_same by list_solve.
apply sepcon_derives.
clear IHdata.
fold (tarray t 1). erewrite data_at_singleton_array_eq by apply eq_refl.
rewrite <- (mapsto_data_at sh t (float_constructor sz a)
(float_constructor sz a) v); try reflexivity; auto.
2: subst t; destruct sz; reflexivity.
destruct v; auto. red.
assert (sizeof t > 0).
subst t; unfold sizeof; simpl. destruct sz; computable.
clearbody t.
clear - H1 H3.
rewrite Zlength_cons in H1. simpl in H1.
unfold Z.succ in H1. rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_l in H1.
pose proof (Zlength_nonneg data).
rewrite Z.mul_1_r in H1.
assert (0 <= sizeof t * Zlength data)
by (apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg; lia).
subst t.
unfold init_data2pred', inttype2init_data.
destruct sz; apply derives_refl.
replace (init_data_size (floattype2init_data sz a)) with (sizeof t)
by (subst t; destruct sz; simpl; auto).
assert (H8: align_compatible t (offset_val (sizeof t) v)
/\ offset_strict_in_range (sizeof t * Zlength data) (offset_val (sizeof t) v)
/\ offset_strict_in_range (sizeof t * 0) (offset_val (sizeof t) v)). {
clear IHdata.
rewrite Zlength_cons in H1. unfold Z.succ in H1.
rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_l in H1. rewrite Z.mul_1_r in H1.
rewrite Z.mul_0_r in H2.
pose proof (sizeof_pos t). pose proof (Zlength_nonneg data).
destruct v; try contradiction.
pose proof (Ptrofs.unsigned_range i).
assert (Ptrofs.max_unsigned = Ptrofs.modulus-1) by computable.
rewrite Z.mul_0_r in *.
assert (0 <= sizeof t * Zlength data) by (apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg; lia).
unfold offset_strict_in_range, offset_val in *.
unfold align_compatible in H0|-*.
unfold Ptrofs.add.
rewrite (Ptrofs.unsigned_repr (sizeof t))
by (unfold sizeof, Ptrofs.max_unsigned, Ptrofs.modulus, Ptrofs.wordsize, Wordsize_Ptrofs.wordsize;
clear; subst t; destruct sz, Archi.ptr64; simpl; lia).
rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr.
split3; try lia.
assert (exists ch, access_mode t = By_value ch)
by (clear; subst t; destruct sz; eexists; reflexivity).
destruct H8 as [ch ?].
apply align_compatible_rec_by_value_inv with (ch:=ch) in H0; auto.
apply align_compatible_rec_by_value with (ch:=ch); auto.
apply Z.divide_add_r; auto.
clear - H8. subst t.
destruct sz; inv H8; simpl; (apply Zmod_divide; [lia | reflexivity]).
unfold Ptrofs.max_unsigned.
destruct H8 as [H8a [H8b H8c]].
eapply derives_trans; [ apply IHdata | ]; clear IHdata; auto.
replace (Z.succ (Zlength data) - 1) with (Zlength data) by (clear; lia).
apply derives_refl'; f_equal.
unfold field_address0.
rewrite if_true.
unfold offset_val. destruct v; simpl; auto. f_equal.
subst t; destruct sz; reflexivity.
eapply field_compatible0_cons_Tarray.
hnf; simpl. split3; auto.
destruct v; try contradiction.
split3; auto; red.
unfold sizeof, Ctypes.sizeof; fold Ctypes.sizeof. fold (sizeof t).
pose proof (Zlength_nonneg data).
rewrite Z.max_r by lia.
unfold offset_strict_in_range in H1. rewrite Zlength_cons in H1.
apply align_compatible_rec_Tarray; intros.
unfold align_compatible, offset_val in H8a.
assert (exists ch, access_mode t = By_value ch)
by (clear; subst t; destruct sz; eexists; reflexivity).
destruct H4 as [ch ?].
eapply align_compatible_rec_by_value; try eassumption.
simpl in H0.
eapply align_compatible_rec_by_value_inv in H0; try eassumption.
apply Z.divide_add_r; auto.
apply Z.divide_mul_l; auto.
clear - t H4.
subst t.
destruct sz; inv H4; simpl; (apply Zmod_divide; [lia | reflexivity]).
pose proof (Zlength_nonneg data); lia.

Lemma unpack_globvar_array_float {cs: compspecs}:
forall t sz (data: list (float_type sz)) n Delta gz i gv,
(var_types Delta) ! i = None ->
(glob_types Delta) ! i = Some (gvar_info gv) ->
gvar_info gv = tarray t n ->
gvar_volatile gv = false ->
t = Tfloat sz noattr ->
n = Zlength (gvar_init gv) ->
gvar_init gv = map (floattype2init_data sz) data ->
init_data_list_size (gvar_init gv) <= sizeof (gvar_info gv) <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned ->
local (`and (tc_environ Delta) (fun rho =>gz = globals_of_env rho)) && `(globvar2pred gz(i, gv)) |--
`(data_at (readonly2share (gvar_readonly gv))
(tarray (Tfloat sz noattr) n)
(map (float_constructor sz) data)
(gz i)).
intros. subst t.
match goal with |- ?A |-- _ =>
erewrite (add_andp A (local (tc_environ Delta)))
2: solve [apply andp_left1; unfold local, lift1; intro rho; apply prop_derives; intros [? ?]; auto].
match goal with |- ?A |-- _ =>
erewrite (add_andp A (local (`isptr (eval_var i (tarray (Tfloat sz noattr) n)))))
go_lowerx. apply prop_right. eapply eval_var_isptr; eauto.
right; split; auto. rewrite <- H1; auto.
eapply derives_trans.
apply andp_right.
apply andp_left1. apply andp_left1. apply andp_left1. apply derives_refl.
apply andp_derives; [ apply andp_derives;
[ eapply unpack_globvar_star; try eassumption; try reflexivity
| apply derives_refl] | apply derives_refl].
rewrite H5.
rewrite <- andp_assoc.
apply andp_left1.
eapply derives_trans; [| apply (id2pred_star_ZnthV_tfloat Delta sz (globals_of_env rho)); auto].
instantiate (1 := rho).
2: rewrite <- H5; auto.
match goal with |- ?F _ _ _ _ _ _ |-- _ => change F with @id2pred_star end.
subst gz.
normalize. clear H8.
rewrite H1 in H6.
assert (headptr (globals_of_env rho i)). {
unfold globals_of_env. destruct (globvar_eval_var _ _ _ _ H3 H H0) as [b [_ H10]]. rewrite H10.
exists b; auto.
assert (align_compatible (Tfloat sz noattr) (globals_of_env rho i)). {
destruct H7 as [b ?]. rewrite H7.
assert (exists ch, access_mode (Tfloat sz noattr) = By_value ch)
by (clear; destruct sz; eexists; reflexivity).
destruct H8 as [ch ?].
eapply align_compatible_rec_by_value; try eassumption.
rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_zero.
apply Z.divide_0_r.
apply headptr_isptr in H7.
simpl andp. fold (sizeof (Tfloat sz noattr)).
assert (offset_strict_in_range (sizeof (Tfloat sz noattr) * n) (globals_of_env rho i)). {
unfold offset_strict_in_range.
destruct (globals_of_env rho i) eqn:?H; auto.
rewrite H5 in H6; simpl in H6. unfold sizeof in H6; simpl in H6.
pose proof initial_world.zlength_nonneg _ (gvar_init gv).
rewrite Z.max_r in H6 by lia.
change (match sz with F32 => 4 | F64 => 8 end)
with (sizeof (Tfloat sz noattr)) in H6.
unfold Ptrofs.max_unsigned in H6.
pose proof init_data_list_size_pos (gvar_init gv).
simpl in H8.
unfold globals_of_env in H9. destruct (Map.get (ge_of rho) i) eqn:?H; inv H9.
rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_zero.
split; try lia.
rewrite Z.add_0_l.
apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg.
clear; pose proof (sizeof_pos (Tfloat sz noattr)); lia.
apply Zlength_nonneg.
apply derives_refl.

Definition gv_globvars2pred (gv: ident->val) (vl: list (ident * globvar type)) : mpred :=
(fold_right_sepcon (map (globvar2pred gv) vl)).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -757,6 +989,46 @@ unfold local, lift1 in H8. specialize (H8 rho). simpl in H8. rewrite prop_true_a
apply H8.

Lemma process_globvar_array_float:
forall {cs: compspecs} Delta done gz (i: ident)
gv al (n: Z) (t: type) (sz : floatsize)
(data : list (float_type sz)),
Maps.PTree.get i (var_types Delta) = None ->
Maps.PTree.get i (glob_types Delta) = Some (gvar_info gv) ->
gvar_info gv = tarray t n ->
gvar_volatile gv = false ->
t = Tfloat sz noattr ->
n = Zlength (gvar_init gv) ->
gvar_init gv = map (floattype2init_data sz) data ->
init_data_list_size (gvar_init gv) <= sizeof (gvar_info gv) <=
Ptrofs.max_unsigned ->
globvars_in_process gz done emp ((i,gv)::al) |--
globvars_in_process gz
(readonly2share (gvar_readonly gv))
(tarray (Tfloat sz noattr) n)
(map (float_constructor sz) data) (gz i) :: done)
emp al.
assert (H8 := unpack_globvar_array_float _ _ _ _ _ gz _ _ H H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6).
clear H H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6.
unfold globvars_in_process.
unfold globvars2pred.
change (lift_S (LiftEnviron Prop)) with environ in *.
unfold lift2.
change (fun rho : environ => gz = globals_of_env rho)
with (locald_denote (gvars gz)) in H8|-*.
pull_right (fold_right_sepcon done).
apply sepcon_derives; auto.
apply sepcon_derives; auto.
unfold local, lift1 in H8. specialize (H8 rho). simpl in H8. rewrite prop_true_andp in H8 by (split; auto).
apply H8.

Lemma process_globvar_star':
forall {cs: compspecs} Delta done gz (i: ident)
gv al,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1281,14 +1553,23 @@ Ltac process_one_globvar' :=
| compute; clear; congruence
| repeat eapply map_instantiate; symmetry; apply map_nil
| compute; split; clear; congruence ]
| match goal with |- ENTAIL ?Delta, globvars_in_process ?gv _ emp ((?i,?v)::_) |-- _ =>
(* need this hack because, for some reason, simple eapply does not work here *)
unify (is_array_type (gvar_info v)) true
eapply process_globvar_array_float;
[reflexivity | reflexivity | reflexivity | reflexivity | reflexivity
| reflexivity
| repeat eapply map_instantiate; symmetry; apply map_nil
| compute; split; clear; congruence ]
| simple eapply process_globvar_star';
[reflexivity | reflexivity | reflexivity ]
| simple eapply halfprocess_globvar_star;
[reflexivity | reflexivity | reflexivity | reflexivity|
simpl; compute; split; clear; congruence ]
Ltac process_one_globvar :=
eapply ENTAIL_trans; [process_one_globvar' | ].
eapply ENTAIL_trans; [process_one_globvar' | simpl float_constructor].

Lemma move_globfield_into_done:
forall Delta gv done S1 R al R',
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions progs/float.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ struct foo {int x; float y; double z;};

struct foo s = {5, 3.41, 0.0};

/* double a[] = {0.0,1.1}; ... future work */
double a[] = {0.0,1.1};

int main() {
double y1 = s.y;
int x1 = s.x;
int y2 = s.y;
y1 = s.z;
/* a[0]=a[1]; ... future work */
return 0;

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