This repository contains the implementation of two deep learning approaches for a text classification task. To replicate the obtained results -
- Upload the dataset as data.csv to the parent directory.
- Install the necessary dependencies as given in requirements.txt.
- To use BERT for the text classification task using pre-trained word embeddings, run the file in the bert_classification folder.
- To find out the optimal 1D CNN model for our text classification task using Neural Architecture Search (NAS), first run the file in the nas_darts folder. Then run the file present in the same folder. This will create a new folder in the parent directory containing the training and validation logs and the weights of the model obtained by the NAS algorithm.
- The training and model hyperparameters present in the file should be chosen after manual testing to check which ones give the best results.
- To view the testing results, run the file.
- To view the normal and reduction cells obtained by the NAS algorithm in the form of a Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG), run the file. The images will be saved in pdf format as normal.pdf and reduction.pdf.