For Contributing Refer here.
Smart India Hackathon 2020 Project
Problem Statement - Electric Vehicle Ecosystem
Problem Statement Owner - VMware Software India Pvt.Ltd.
Note : Make sure you have Python version 3.8+
Environment Setup
$ git clone
$ cd SIH-2020/
Install requirements from poetry - poetry install
- OR If you prefer the vanilla route using virtual env poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes
Activate the environment - poetry shell
(Optional)To run alpr, Install alpr for your OS from here using the docs, preferrably use Ubuntu, then put this file - alpr/
where alpr is installed and make sure the videos, runtime and config paths in the script point to the path in your system. Then run the script to see the Live Feed
All Set!
$ python runserver
Before you do a git add/commit make sure to check the code base for coding style/programming errors
pre-commit run --all-files