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Facebook Messenger Bundle

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A PHP Facebook Messenger API for the Symfony framework.


Step 1: Download Bundle

$ composer require pouler/facebook-messenger-bundle

Step 2: Enable the bundle (Symfony 2/3)

Next, enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new PouleR\FacebookMessengerBundle\FacebookMessengerBundle(),


Edit your config.yml with the following configuration:

	app_id: 'YourFBMessengerAppId'
	app_secret: 'YourFBMessengerAppSecret'


Set your default greeting text

$service = new FacebookMessengerService('...', '...', new NullLogger());

$config = new GreetingTextConfiguration();
$config->setText('Hello and welcome!');


Send a text message to a user (by PSID)

$service = new FacebookMessengerService('...', '...', new NullLogger());

$recipient = new Recipient('PSID');
$message = new Message('Hi there, this is a test');

$service->postMessage($recipient, $message);

Use batch requests to send a text message to different users (by PSID)

$service = new FacebookMessengerService('...', '...', new NullLogger());

$message = new Message('Hi there, this is a batch message');
$service->addMessageToBatch(new Recipient('PSID1'), $message);
$service->addMessageToBatch(new Recipient('PSID2'), $message);
$service->addMessageToBatch(new Recipient('PSID3'), $message);

$response = $service->sendBatchRequests();

// The response variable contains an array with FailedMessageRequest objects

Create a generic template message

$message = new Message();
$templateAttachment = new TemplateAttachment();
$genericTemplatePayload = new GenericTemplatePayload();

$pbButton = new PostbackButton();
$pbButton->setTitle('Button Title Goes Here');

$wuButton = new WebUrlButton();
$wuButton->setTitle('Button Title Goes Here');

$buttons = [$pbButton, $wuButton];

// Create some elements
$genericElementOne = new GenericElement();
$genericElementOne->setTitle('Element Title Goes Here');
$genericElementOne->setSubtitle('Subtitle Goes Here');

$genericElementTwo = new GenericElement();
$genericElementTwo->setTitle('Element Title Goes Here');
$genericElementTwo->setSubtitle('Subtitle Goes Here');

// Add them to the payload
$genericTemplatePayload->setElements([$genericElementOne, $genericElementTwo]);

// Set the payload on the attachment

// Set the Attachment on the message

Original project by John Kosmetos (