added translatons for TimeSpan.Total* members #207
7 errors
Functional Tests:
Assert.All() Failure: 2 out of 4 items in the collection did not pass.
[0]: Item: Customer FOLIG
Error: Assert.Equal() Failure: Strings differ
↓ (pos 0)
Expected: "Updated"
Actual: "Martine Rancé"
↑ (pos 0)
[1]: Item: Customer FOLKO
Error: Assert.Equal() Failure: Strings differ
↓ (pos 0)
Expected: "Updated"
Actual: "Maria Larsson"
↑ (pos 0)
Functional Tests:
Assert.All() Failure: 2 out of 4 items in the collection did not pass.
[0]: Item: Customer FOLIG
Error: Assert.Equal() Failure: Strings differ
↓ (pos 0)
Expected: "Updated"
Actual: "Martine Rancé"
↑ (pos 0)
[1]: Item: Customer FOLKO
Error: Assert.Equal() Failure: Strings differ
↓ (pos 0)
Expected: "Updated"
Actual: "Maria Larsson"
↑ (pos 0)
Functional Tests:
Assert.All() Failure: 1 out of 4 items in the collection did not pass.
[3]: Item: Customer FURIB
Error: Assert.Equal() Failure: Strings differ
↓ (pos 0)
Expected: "Updated"
Actual: "Lino Rodriguez"
↑ (pos 0)
Functional Tests:
Assert.All() Failure: 1 out of 4 items in the collection did not pass.
[3]: Item: Customer FURIB
Error: Assert.Equal() Failure: Strings differ
↓ (pos 0)
Expected: "Updated"
Actual: "Lino Rodriguez"
↑ (pos 0)
Functional Tests
Assert.Throws() Failure: Exception type was not an exact match
Expected: typeof(System.InvalidOperationException)
Actual: typeof(Xunit.Sdk.EqualException)
---- Assert.Equal() Failure: Values differ
Expected: 267
Actual: 0
Functional Tests
Assert.Throws() Failure: Exception type was not an exact match
Expected: typeof(System.InvalidOperationException)
Actual: typeof(Xunit.Sdk.EqualException)
---- Assert.Equal() Failure: Values differ
Expected: 267
Actual: 0
Functional Tests
Process completed with exit code 1.