released this
28 Mar 21:54
Important information
I noticed that a crucial part of the auto-update wasn't working, but the fix is in this patch, it should fully work from now on
the release in the assets contains an extra 2 commits that fix a bug where the Discord Webhooks would get deleted
New stuff
added the option to disable Webhook trigger for specific bosses
uploader now checks whether an instance of obs is running in order to upload logs to Twitch or not
when adding new bosses, the uploader will use the default Twitch messages from message templates
added a way to reset application settings via a lauch parameter (-resetsettings)
fix a bug where the entire application will be rendered unusable when updating it manually
Other stuff
implemented a new way of interacting with JSON files
added some new groundwork for new possible features
made the uploader work slightly faster with uploading & log processing
codestyle & other usual code refactoring
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