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SimpleEffectDialog Reference

Lehonti Ramos edited this page Nov 21, 2024 · 11 revisions

The SimpleEffectDialog class will automatically generate a dialog for your effect based on the properties in the effect's EffectData.

Default Values and Common Attributes

All of the widgets will automatically use the current value of their associated property as the default value.

When creating the dialog, Pinta will automatically generate a label for each property based on its name. For example, a property named MyValue will have a label of "My Value". You can use the Caption attribute to specify a different name, and you can also use the Hint attribute to provide a helpful description that appears below the widget.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    [Caption ("My Caption"), Hint ("My Hint")]
    public int MyValue = 42;

Common Attributes Example

Integer/Double Slider

For int or double properties, a slider widget will be created. You can use the MinimumValue and MaximumValue attributes to control the range of the slider, and the IncrementValue attribute to specify the step size of the slider. For double, you can also use the DigitsValue attribute to control the number of decimal places.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    [MinimumValue(1), MaximumValue(5)]
    public int IntegerValue = 2;

    [DigitsValue(3), IncrementValue(0.1)]
    public double DoubleValue = 1.0;


Random Seed

If a property is of type RandomSeed, it will create a "Reseed" button instead of a slider. Use the Value property of RandomSeed if your effect requires a random value.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    public RandomSeed Seed;

Reseed Button

Angle Picker

For properties of type DegreesAngle, an angle picker will be created.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    public DegreesAngle Angle;
    public DegreesAngle Rotation;

Angle Picker Widget


For bool properties, a checkbox will be created.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    public bool Invert;

Checkbox Widget

Point Picker

For Pinta.Core.PointI properties, a widget will be created that allows the user to specify the coordinates of a point on the canvas.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    public PointI Point;

Point Picker Widget

Offset Picker

For Pinta.Core.CenterOffset<double> properties, a widget will be created that allows the user to specify an offset from the center of the canvas. The coordinates will be normalized, so that (-1, -1) is the top left corner and (1, 1) is the bottom right corner.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    public CenterOffset<double> Offset;

Offset Picker Widget

Combo Box

There are two ways to create a combobox. For a string property with the StaticList attribute, a combobox will be be created using the keys of the dictionary specified in the attribute.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    public static Dictionary<string, object> TheOptions = new Dictionary<string, object> () {
        {"Option 1", 1}, {"Option 2", 2}, {"Option 3", 3}
    [StaticList ("TheOptions")]
    public string Options = "Option 1";

StaticList Combobox Example

For an enum property, a combobox will be automatically created using the enum values.

public class MyEffectData : EffectData
    public enum MyEnum

    public MyEnum Enum;

Enum Combobox Example