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Mindustry Java Mod - Random Planet v0.4.7

A Java Mindustry mod.

Randomly generate a planet and its sectors, including the starting sector.

I combined both technologies from Serpulo and Erekir as best as I could, including defenses, so some maps might even be unbeatable, especially Eradication maps.


  1. Randomly generated sectors, no presets at all.
  2. Merge both Serpulo and Erekir techtrees and environments.
  3. Load all defensive schematics1 for enemy defenses.
  4. 95 custom defensive schematics for the enemies to use as defenses (2 cores, 43 turrets, 50 factories)
  5. Custom settings under Settings menu.
  6. Unlock hidden items3 and enable all environments for all units
  7. Load all activated ores for ore placements.
  8. Combine both Serpulo and Erekir units into wave generations.

Known Issues (Not bugs, it's just something that "make no sense")

  1. Liquids other than slag appear in the volcanic environment while they obviously will be vaporized or set on fire (in the case of oil).
  2. Chained factories (to produce higher-tier units) sometimes get stuck and are unable to finish production.



  • Fix many sector generator abnormalities


  • Change versioning for easier readability
  • Fix: Starting sector got flooded by waters


  • Fix: Only Low and Eradication difficulties
  • Change: Random planet color
  • Fix: Endless waves for Low difficulty
  • Fix: Sector difficulties are not really randomized


  • Now loading all available defensive schematics for enemy defense system


  • Fix: Different liquids share the same lake while they obviously can not be mixed
  • Add custom settings under Settings menu
  • Fix: Random Name Generator sometimes crashs the game
  • Add:
    • Cryogenic Freezer: Use cryofluid to freeze most of the liquids
    • Hyper Thawer: User slag to melt most of the items created from Cryogenic Freezer
    • Solid form (ice) of Water, Cryofluid, Oil, Slag, Arkycite, Neoplasm
  • Add Discord Server2
  • Officially released, now can be installed from the Mod Browser


  • Fix: Random Name Generator bugs
  • Mobile support, FINALLY!


  • Sorry I forgot to add the new contents to the tecttree and restore the initial resources for the starting sector


  • Move schematics I made to "build-in", you won't see it in the schematics menu anymore, because I have to say, it's freaking annoying!
  • Remove any unit environmental restrictions, now every unit can survive in any environment


  • Load all available ores from all activated mods for ore placements in random map generations
  • Set minimum resources in any map to 5, 2 of which is Copper and Lead


  • Remove factory schematics from the starting sector


  • Save sector threats so that it won't change any time you load the game


  • Change sector available ores to according to the Build Cost of the item to be mined4
  • Fix the sector naming and threat generating problem
  • Fix enemy ground units getting trapped in the air, hopefully
  • Add Planet Size and Map Size to settings


  • When I change the random map generation algorithm, I forgot to add the banned blocks back, sorry


  • Change the Map Size option of the Settings to the approximate edge length of the map for easier understanding


  • Make every map contains either sand tiles or scrap since Sand is needed in literally every production


  • Wave generations that combine units of both planets is finally done! You think you are OP because you got access to both technologies!? Well, think again!



  • Fix: Liquids are replaced by air


  • Change the chance for Titanium to 100%
  • Rework ore placement algorithm so the map won't literally cover by ores, this unfortunately, slow down the section generation time.
  • Add an Expand Room option in the Settings, please read the setting description.


  • Add Thorium, Beryllium, Tungsten to the starting sector, this is a mix-tech mod, it makes no sense that the starting sector is NOT mix-tech!
  • Remove Expand Room option in the Settings, I found a better way to place the ores and the liquids, there is no need for this option anymore.


  • Change the ore and liquid placement back to the old algorithm, I don't like the new one, not only did it take too long, the ore/liquid shapes are ugly too.
  • Change every sector to have either Titanium or Beryllium, after all, Erekir sectors don't have Titanium and yet it could be played just fine.


  • Increase the size of the pathways, so it doesn't look like "tunnels/canals".
  • Increase the range of ore selection.



  • Fix sector names and threats not actually being saved, resulting in different names and difficulties every time you load the game.


  • Change the ore placement sorting criteria to hardness as it could better represent the "tier" of the ores and make it more "random".


  • Fix new sector loading forever if Mineable Alloys is not installed.


  • Change versioning to Semantic (Major.Minor/New Features.Patch/Bug fixes).
  • Change type of ores per sector to a minimum of 5.

1. Schematic Instruction

2. Contact Me

3. Caution: There is a reason why Anuke hide these blocks/items, most likely it's still WIP and not fully tested and might not be balanced, use it at your own risk

4. The formula for calculating the chance of appearance for each ore is Max(0.01,(2-Build Cost)/2) (except Copper, Lead and Titanium, which is always 100%). For example, the Build Cost of Thorium is 110%, so the chance for Thorium to appear in a new sector is (2-1.1)/2 = 0.45 (45%), please visit the Items section on Mindustry Wiki for reference

5. Support Me


No description or website provided.







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