I've been testing and using many logbooks, and being a coder, it's a little frustrating to see the diff between what's possible and what's done.
So I'll try my own flavour, let's see if I get anywhere. My inspiration are QSOSecretary which is my prime way of logging at the moment. Then I export and use RUMlogNG to fluff up my logs. I'd like to not have to do that ;)
Well, check out the demo here
It also works on mobile as an app, ios and android (not deployed anywhere yet, I'm waiting until I have a finished product) It also works as a desktop app (windows/osx) (same deal, I can run it but I didn't build anything yet for the world)
I'm keeping a todolist up to date, or try to anyway.
But in a nutshell, I'd like to have all the goodies in a good looking app (don't judge, it'll be better, it's a work in progress)
yarn install
VSCode should give you the commands needed to run everything when you CMD+SHFT+B, otherwise check the package.json