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Philipp Balzarek edited this page Apr 4, 2016 · 1 revision

D-BUS Client Tutorial


D-Bus has it's own type system. This library represents with the DBusType type. The possible types are:

  • Simple types (DBusSimpleType):
    • Booleans
    • Signed and unsigned integers of length 8, 16, 32 and 64
    • Doubles
    • Unix File Descriptors
    • Strings
    • Object Paths
    • Type Signatures
  • Comples or Composite Types:
    • Array (variable-length collection of values of the same type)
    • Structs (aka tuples)
    • Dicts (aka Map) where the key has to be a simple type
    • Variant (dynamicly typed values)

DBus values are represented by the GADT DBusValue. Every value is annotated with its DBusType This ensure that we can always create a type signature, even for empty arrays. It also insures that all elements of an array are of the same type and we hence know that every constructable value has a sound type in D-Bus' type system

For example, we have

DBVByte 12 :: DBusValue ('DBusSimpleType 'TypeByte)

a D-bus Byte of value 12.

Note that DBusSimpleType TypeByte is a Haskell value promoted to the type level.

Representable Types

Because we woud usually prefer to work with Haskell's type system rather than the (somewhat cumbersome) D-Bus types, d-bus provides the Representable type class for easy translation between Haskell and D-Bus types.

Two write an instance of Representable, we have to provide three pieces of information:

  • The D-Bus type a Haskell type should map to (Many haskell types can map to a DBusType, but every Haskell type can only map to one DBus type).
  • A function to convert a Haskell-value to a D-Bus value
  • A function to parse a D-Bus value back to a Haskell value (may fail)

For example, let's consider the type

data Foo = Foo Bool Text

We would like to translate this type to a D-Bus struct. Hence:

instance Representable Foo where
  type RepType Foo = 'TypeStruct '[ 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeBoolean
                                  , 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeString
  toRep (Foo b t) = DBVStruct (StructCons (toRep b) (StructSingleton $ toRep t))
  fromRep (DBVStruct
           (StructCons b
            (StructSingleton t))) = do
    -- This is in the Maybe monad
    b' <- fromRep b
    t' <- fromRep t
    return $ Foo b' t'

Note how we only have to match one length of struct. The dbus-type ensures that the length must match (and ideed, GHC would not allow us to try and match any other length, as that would be a type error)

Automatically generating Representable instances

Most Representable instances are boring. For example, there's only one "obivous" way to translate our Foo type to D-Bus. So it would be convenient if we could automate the creation of Representable instances, and indeed we can, with a little Template Haskell:

data Foo = Foo Bool Text

makeRepresentable ''Foo

will create the same instance as we have writte above. For a more in-depth discussion of the rules of how those instances are generated, consult the documentation of makeRepresentable

Creating a connection

Before we can talk to another D-Bus entity, we need to connect to a message bus and create DBusConnection. to do this, we call the connectClient function. It takes an argument of type ConnectionType that determines which message bus we will connect to and can be one of System, Session and Address, where System and Session connect to the system and session bus respectively. Address takes a string as a parameter and connects to the bus found at this address

con <- connectClient Session

Invoking a method

Now that we have connected to the bus, we can invoke methods on other entities.

In order to call a method, we need to know some information about it:

  • The entity, that is the name of the client connected to the bus we want to talk to
  • The object we want to call
  • The interface name the method belongs to
  • the method name

To find this data, you can use introspection (see later in this tutorial). d-feet is a GUI program that allows you to easily inspect the exported methods of connected clients

For example, let's try and retrieve the number of unread feed items from liferea. To do that, we use "callMethod" using 7 arguments

  • The connection name, for liferea, that's "net.sourceforge.liferea"
  • The object (path): "/org/gnome/feed/Reader"
  • The interface: "org.gnome.feed.Reader"
  • The method: "GetUnreadItems"
  • Any arguments we want to pass to the method. "getUnreadItems" doesn't expect any, so we pass in ()
  • Flags we want to pass. We don't need any, so we pass the empty list
  • A connection object to send the request over

It will return Either a MethodError in case something went wrong or the result with a polymorphic type. We will have to instantiate the result type by giving a type anotation, because otherwise the marshaller doesn't know how to handle the result.

Here's a complete example:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import DBus
import Data.Int

main = do
  con <- connectClient Session
  result <- callMethod "net.sourceforge.liferea"
                       :: IO (Either MethodError Int32)
  case result of
    Left e -> error $ "something went wrong " ++ show e
    Right unread -> putStrLn $ "We have " ++ show unread ++ " unread items"

Method Descriptions

Instead of passing all the data by hand every time as we have done before, it can be useful to collect them once and then reuse them. This is also great when writing a library to export the method definitions

Here's an example:

unreadItems :: MethodDescription '[] '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeInt32]
unreadItems =
  MD { methodObjectPath = "/org/gnome/feed/Reader"
     , methodInterface = "org.gnome.feed.Reader"
     , methodMember = "GetUnreadItems"
     , methodArgs = Done
     , methodResult = "unread items" :> Done

We have to give the type anotation to tell dbus what the argument and result types are. Here we tell it to expect no arguments , so we have an empty list. (Note that this list is promoted to type level) and that we expect a single argument of DBusSimpleType TypeInt32 (a single 32-bit signed integer) in return.

The methodObjectPath, methodInterface and methodMember fields are pretty much what you expect.

methodArgs and methodResult are special "lists" of Texts (type ArgumentDescription that describe the arguments. To construct one of those, you can use Done for the empty list (similar to the [] constructor) and :> to cons an element (similar to the : constructor). The values are purely descriptive and you can leave them empty ("") if you want, but the number of them has to match the arity of the method description, that is, if the method has 2 arguments, you have to give 2 descriptions in methodArgs, and similarly for methodResult.

Generating method descriptions from Introspection data

Writing method descriptions by hand is pretty redious. Instead we can use template haskell to auto-generate them for us from introspection xml.

To do that we need to first get the introspection xml. This d-bus library comes with a dbus-introspect executable that can retrieve it from a running client. Or we could use d-feet (find the "Introspect" method in the "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" interface and call it without arguments). Lasly, the documentation of the program you want to interface to might provide it.

Saving the xml in a file at out project root (in this example we will call it "liferea.xml") we can now convert it into automatically generated definitions using template haskell. It's a good idea to do this in another module:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Remote where

import DBus

-- Load introspection data and create definitions
makeDbusEndpoints def "liferea.xml"

this will create the following definitions for us:

ping :: MethodDescription '[] '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeBoolean]
setOnline :: MethodDescription '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeBoolean] '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeBoolean]
subscribe :: MethodDescription '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeString] '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeBoolean]
getUnreadItems :: MethodDescription '[] '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeInt32]
getNewItems :: MethodDescription '[] '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeInt32]
refresh :: MethodDescription '[] '['DBusSimpleType 'TypeBoolean]

Calling method descriptions

Once we have obtained our methodDescrition, calling it is as easy as

call getUnreadItems "net.sourceforge.liferea" () [] con

That is, appart from the method description we only have to pass in

  • The entity name we want to call
  • The arguments (Still none, in our case)
  • Flags
  • And the connection object

Note that the type of the method description fixes the argument and return types. SO we can't accidently pass in the wrong argument type or try to get out the wrong types. However, d-bus will freely convert between haskell and d-bus types for us according to Representable instances. So we can use either D-Bus types or haskell types.

Listening for signals

We can also listen for signals other entities are sending.