FE: Vite + React + TypeScript + TailwindCSS
BE: Express API server + gRPC MAILER server
- Authenticated client - server app for sending emails via nodemailer
- Figma: Prototype document
- React.js [ Hooks, Refs, Context, Reducer ]
- MaterialUI
- CSS [ TailwindCSS ]
- Javascript [ Typescript ]
- Framer Motion
- API server: Node.js [ Express.js, Typescript ]
- gRPC server: Protobuf [ @grpc/grpc-js, @grpc/proto-loader, Typescript ]
- eslint, Prettier
- yup, joi
- jwt, bcryptjs
- ImageKit
- axios
- nodemailer, pug
- vite
- git [ GitHub ]
- MongoDB [ Prisma ]
In the root directory, you can run:
npm run start
- Installs packages and runs API server, gRPC server and frontend client concurrently on localhost. Available at: localhost:8000, localhost:9000 and localhost:4001 respectively.