Logo Blue #336699 |
Logo Red #c9134a |
The PharmGKB logo, icon and wordmark can only be used with permission by PharmGKB. They are designed to signify official PharmGKB products, activities, events, representatives and facilities. It should never be used to promote or suggest endorsement of non-PharmGKB products, events or services. It should never be used by outside parties to misrepresent the purpose, character, policies or mission of PharmGKB.
Logo files are available in SVG and PNG formats. Requests for permission to use the PharmGKB logo, icon or wordmark should be directed to [email protected].
Unless noted otherwise, information posted on the PharmGKB website within the pharmgkb.org domain is considered to be in the public domain. More details are in our Data Usage Policy.
You may link to the PharmGKB website from your website without permission.
Other organizations are free to establish links to PharmGKB online resources. When establishing links to the website, you may not position or create the possible impression that the PharmGKB is endorsing or promoting any particular organization, material, product, service, content or information.