The Persper survey system.
Install dependencies.
npm install
Change the default config.
nano src/config.js
# cp src/config.sample.js src/config.js
Build in one of the following ways.
For hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# For production with minification
npm run build
# For production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
Tips for deployment on Heroku: Run the following after creating the app.
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=staging
# Clone target projects to, e.g., ~/repos/ (commands skipped here).
# Append the src dir to PYTHONPATH.
Create config.ini in the current dir.
Three parallel approaches are available. The third approach (2.3) is lately used and recommended.
# Populate your database.
cd scripts
./ -d ~/repos/ --batch-mode
./ -d ~/repos/project/ -s 7
# (Optional) Connect to the database with a neo4j client:
neo4j-client -p {password} -u {username} bolt://{address}
# (optional) Run in the neo4j interactive shell to clear corner cases.
MATCH (c:Comparison) WHERE c.commit1 = c.commit2 DETACH DELETE c;
This approach depends on
# See more options with -h.
./ -d ~/repos/project/ -s > email.list
# Manually modify email.list if necessary (e.g., selecting authors with most commits).
# It is recommended to view the file with Excel.
# See more options with -h. The setup should match with the run of
./ -d ~/repos/project/ -f email.list -n 50 -v # without actually populating the database
# Check the output of the above command first.
./ -d ~/repos/project/ -f email.list -n 50
The JSON file format should follow the output of
Prepare all repositories in a batch.
while read url; do git clone $url; done < github-urls.txt
for d in `ls`; do git -C $d fetch; done
# Set environmental variables for sendgrid.
source sendgrid.env
# Test and send out emails.
./ -f email.list --test
./ -f email.list --send
- Start up a local Flask service:
cd flask
flask run
- Run test scripts for a small sample database, in the following order:
cd flask/test
./ -h # see the manual for more details
- Manually test another small sample database:
./flask/test/ -f scripts/sample_commits.json
cd scripts
./ -d ~/repos/ -f sample_commits.json --input
Visit the front end and check with the bottom comments in
- After the front end is up locally, visit the page for test: http://localhost:8080/#/manually.