A heavily opinionated Stylelint config that also sorts CSS declarations and properties the way Perplex does.
*With some modifications & additions for modern properties.
- Add stylelint and this package to your project:
pnpm add stylelint @perplex-digital/stylelint-config
- Configure your stylelint configuration file to extend this package:
export default { extends: ['@perplex-digital/stylelint-config'], rules: { // Add overrides and additional rules here }, };
The default setup applies these rules:
with the various custom properties and declarations.order/properties-order
with the various property groups. If you need to configure other options for this rule, the groups can be imported separately and the rule configured to your needs.stylelint-use-logical-spec
import propertyGroups from '@perplex-digital/stylelint-config/groups';
export default {
extends: [], // Do not extend the config here.
rules: {
// Configure the rule manually.
'order/properties-order': propertyGroups.map((group) => ({
emptyLineBefore: 'always',
noEmptyLineBetween: true,