Perfect-HTTPServer 简体中文
HTTP Server for Perfect
This repository contains the main HTTP 1.1 & HTTP/2 server.
If you are using this server for your Perfect Server-Side Swift project then this will be the main dependency for your project.
.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")
If you are starting out with Perfect look at the main Perfect repository for details.
If you are beginning a new project with Perfect look at the PerfectTemplate project for starter instructions.
When building on Linux, OpenSSL 1.0.2+ is required for this package. On Ubuntu 14 or some Debian distributions you will need to update your OpenSSL before this package will build.
As of version 2.2.6, experimental HTTP/2 server support is available but is disabled by default. To enable HTTP/2, add "alpnSupport" to your server's TLSConfiguration struct:
let securePort = 8181
let tls = TLSConfiguration(certPath: "my.cert.pem",
alpnSupport: [.http2, .http11])
try HTTPServer.launch(
name: "servername",
port: securePort,
routes: secureRoutes))
This will enable HTTP/2 to be used over secure connections if the client supports it. If the client does not support HTTP/2 then the server will use HTTP 1.x. HTTP/2 support is only offered over secure connections. Setting the global http2Debug
variable to true will have the HTTP/2 server print much debugging information to the console while in use.
Please contact us if you experience any problems or incompatibilities while experimenting with HTTP/2 support.
Add the dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")
In your app, launch one or more servers.
// start a single server serving static files
try HTTPServer.launch(name: "localhost", port: 8080, documentRoot: "/path/to/webroot")
// start two servers. have one serve static files and the other handle API requests
let apiRoutes = Route(method: .get, uri: "/foo/bar", handler: {
req, resp in
//do stuff
try HTTPServer.launch(
.server(name: "localhost", port: 8080, documentRoot: "/path/to/webroot"),
.server(name: "localhost", port: 8181, routes: [apiRoutes]))
// start a single server which handles API and static files
try HTTPServer.launch(name: "localhost", port: 8080, routes: [
Route(method: .get, uri: "/foo/bar", handler: {
req, resp in
//do stuff
Route(method: .get, uri: "/foo/bar", handler:
HTTPHandler.staticFiles(documentRoot: "/path/to/webroot"))
let apiRoutes = Route(method: .get, uri: "/foo/bar", handler: {
req, resp in
//do stuff
// start a secure server
try HTTPServer.launch(.secureServer(TLSConfiguration(certPath: "/path/to/cert"), name: "localhost", port: 8080, routes: [apiRoutes]))
For further information, please visit