Add your HDD, SSD and NVMe drives to your Synology's compatible drive database and a lot more
API Template pack provides an opinionated implementation guide to making use of popular leading .net framework based tools and utilities to assist developers to quickly and efficiently develop sec…
This repository has examples of broken patterns in ASP.NET Core applications
A vanilla-js module for adding zoom-on-wheel and pan-on-drag behavior to inline SVG elements.
A small, fast delegated event library for JavaScript.
A minimal lightbox for enlarging media using css transforms, scaling images from their position on a page
SamSaffron / annotate_models
Forked from ctran/annotate_modelsAnnotate ActiveRecord models as a gem
A demo how to sync a video with page content
Incoming! helps you receive email in your Rack apps.
A simple and fast API to monitor elements as you scroll
moperacz / streamio-ffmpeg
Forked from streamio/streamio-ffmpegSimple yet powerful ruby ffmpeg wrapper for reading metadata and transcoding movies
Rack middleware for adding HTTP endpoints for files stored in MongoDB GridFS
PerfectlyNormal / crummy
Forked from zachinglis/crummyTasty breadcrumbs! Crummy is a simple and tasty way to add breadcrumbs to your Rails applications.
Twitter Bootstrap for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline (Updated to Bootstrap 2)
Image upload plugin for TinyMCE and Rails with the asset pipeline
a rails app that generates Bootstrap color scheme from an image
Like FileUtils, but provides zip, unzip, bzip2, bunzip2, tar, untar, sed, du, md5sum, shasum, cut, head, tail, wc, unix2dos, dos2unix, iconv, curl, perl, etc.
PerfectlyNormal / cocaine
Forked from thoughtbot/cocaineA small library for doing (command) lines.
A small library for manipulating the favicon, in particular adding alert bubbles and changing images.
Adds width, height and size to thumbnails.
guard / guard-brakeman
Forked from oreoshake/guard-brakemanGuard::Brakeman allows you to automatically run Brakeman tests when files are modified.
Code quality threshold checking as part of your build
Use wicked to turn your controller into a wizard