💻 API for handling hotels with user control - including email confirmation 📫 - and hotel sites for advertisements. It has security with OAUTH 🔐 and SQLite database 🐍
🏠 Homepage
- aniso8601==8.0.0
- api==0.0.7
- certifi==2019.11.28
- chardet==3.0.4
- Click==7.0
- Flask==1.1.1
- Flask-JWT-Extended==3.24.1
- Flask-RESTful==0.3.8
- Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.4.1
- idna==2.9
- itsdangerous==1.1.0
- Jinja2==2.11.1
- MarkupSafe==1.1.1
- nose==1.3.7
- PyJWT==1.7.1
- pytz==2019.3
- requests==2.23.0
- six==1.14.0
- SQLAlchemy==1.3.13
- urllib3==1.25.8
- Werkzeug==1.0.0
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv myalfred
source myalfred/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requeriments.txt
To use the confirmation e-mail service when registering, create an account at:
After that, create this file with the following directory:
Now place the following content in the file:
python3 app.py
👤 Pedro Lucas
- Twitter: @PedroLucasOM
- Github: @PedroLucasOM
- LinkedIn: @PedroLucasOM
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2020 Pedro Lucas.
This project is FLASK licensed.