Conviniently submit Spark jobs. This plugin makes it easier to submit Spark jobs to remote servers, it requires ssh
and scp
command line tools installed.
Add addSbtPlugin("me.penkov" % "sbt-spark-submit" % "0.1.18")
to project/spark-submit.sbt
Configure Spark submit settings in build.sbt
mainClass in sparkSubmit := Some("MyClass")
sparkMaster in sparkSubmit := Yarn(
numExecutors = Some(100),
executorCores = Some(1),
queue = Some("production")
sparkConf := Map("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled" -> "false")
sparkArgs := Seq("--date", "2019-12-12")
sshHost in sparkSubmit := Some("somehost")
sshUser in sparkSubmit := "ppenkov" // Default is current user
Run sbt sparkSubmit
. The plugin will build a thin JAR (fat JARs not supported yet), copy it to remote host and run
with appropriate arguments.