The PatternAgents DMX/RDM-512 FeatherWing allows you to connect Adafruit Feather CPUs to theater lighting using the DMX/RDM-512 protocols. It can also be used for more general purpose, RS-485 commmunications interfaces.
- DMX/RDM-512 Interface using compact 1/8" TRRS connector
- FeatherWing Compatible Module
- 3.3V Operation
- Solder Configurable Digital Input Pin
- GPO13
- GPO5
- USB to DMX with any USB based Feather CPU
Agent-DMX-FeatherWing Top Agent-DMX-FeatherWing Bottom
- 06/01/2019 : Revision 1.0.0 Release for PCB fab
Configure RXD pins for variety of Feather CPUs...
08/21/2019 : Revision 1.0.1 Release for PCB fab
The PatternAgents "Featherwing & Grovey Series" boards were designed as "Everyday Electronics", a no-frills, low cost, approach to modular embedded product design. "Featherwing & Grovey Series" boards are similar in size to most break-out-boards (BOBs), but feature a standardized stacking pinout, to facilitate rapid prototyping.