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Windows Kubernetes Samples

This is a group of sample apps that I use to build demos. Check the history to get an idea of when each was used last.


This is a quick sample to deploy a web server in a replicaset with a loadbalancer. You can use it as a quick first test that covers end to end networking and scale up / down.

(This assumes Windows Server version 1803, there are samples for other versions as well in this folder)

  1. Create the deployment with kubectl apply -f iis/iis-1803.yaml
  2. Wait for the service to have an IP by checking kubectl get svc repeatedly
  3. Visit http://<external ip>
  4. Scale it up with kubectl scale deploy/iis-1803 --replicas=2

If you are on a node in the cluster, you can check them all with kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.status.podIP}{"\n"}{end}' | xargs -n1 curl > /dev/null


This is based on the samples from, specifically . It's a straightforward Razor based application that uses SQL or SQLite for the backing database. The appconfig.json in this repo is preconfigured for SQLLite so that only a single container is needed. You can use this to test persistent volume claims by mapping a PV to c:\data.

Build & test locally

You can build and test this on a Windows 10 machine with Docker for Windows installed. No development tools are needed since the build is run inside a container.

Build it - docker build --pull -t razorpagesmovie .

  • Alternatively you could docker pull patricklang/razorpagesmovie:aspnet-2.0.5-nanoserver-1709 instead, and use that in the following steps

Test it - docker run --name razorpagesmovie --rm -it -p 8000:80 razorpagesmovie, then browse to (

Try it with a local volume - docker run --name razorpagesmovie --rm -it -p 8000:80 -v $PWD\data:c:\app\data\ razorpagesmovie. Browse to it, make some changes, then try it again. Changes are persisted, and you can see the SQLite database file at .\data\MvcMovie.db on your machine.

Deploy in Kubernetes with Flexvolume

TODO - the volume steps aren't done yet

kubectl create -f movies.yaml


This demo includes Visual Studio projects, and needs the following to build:

  • Docker for Windows
  • Visual Studio 2017

It's currently maintained in the patricklang/fabrikamfiber repo.

This was presented in a hands-on workshop at Kubecon - video and slides are available.

Simple web apps using Hyper-V isolation

HyperVExamples has more details on how to enable the alpha Hyper-V support in Kubernetes 1.10 and later. It includes examples of deploying the same app that was built for 3 different OS versions. Without Hyper-V isolation, only one of the three will work. With Hyper-V isolation, all 3 can run side by side on Windows Server version 1803.

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