The basic implementation of A* algorithm with the possibility of using different containers for the Open set
The project contains implementations of following sructures:
- List - container that represents a countable number of ordered elements. Implemented using
- Array of lists - array that containes a number of lists. Implemented using
- Set - container that represents a countable number of unordered elements without repeating the equivalent elements. Implemented using
- Array of sets - the same as array of lists, but with sets. Implemented using
- Priority queue - container that represents regular queue, but every element has a "priority" that makes it quicker to choose the most suitable element. Implemented using
- Array of priority queues - the same as array of lists, but with priority queue. Implemented using
There is also a possibility to keep duplicates in structures 1 - 4.
To build the project you can use CMake, CMakeLists file is available in the repo. For more details about building, see Build and Launch section of AStar-JPS-ThetaStar repository. To run the compiled file and get a result you need to pass a correct input XML-file as the first (command line) argument. To run test on empty map you need to pass word fakemap
as second (command line) argument. In this case <grid>
statement of XML-file will be ignored.
Both files are an XML file with a specific structure.
Both files are an XML file with a specific structure. Input file should contain:
Mandatory tag
. It describes the environment.<height>
- mandatory tags that define size of the map. Origin is in the upper left corner. (0,0) - is upper left, (width-1, height-1) is lower right.<startx>
- mandatory tags that define horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) offset of the start location from the upper left corner. Legal values for startx are [0, .., width-1], for starty - [0, .., height-1].<finishx>
- mandatory tags that horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) offset of the goal location.<grid>
- mandatory tag that describes the square grid constituting the map. It consists of<row>
tags. Each<row>
contains a sequence of "0" and "1" separated by blanks. "0" stands for traversable cell, "1" - for untraversable (actually any other figure but "0" can be used instead of "1").<cellsize>
- optional tag that defines the size of one cell. One might add it to calculate scaled length of the path.<title>
, etc - optional tags containing additional information on the map.
Mandatory tag
. It describes the parameters of the algorithm.<metrictype>
- defines the type of metric for heuristic function. Possible values - "euclidean", "diagonal", "manhattan", "chebyshev". Default value is "euclidean".<hweight>
- defines the weight of heuristic function. Default value is "1".<allowdiagonal>
- boolean tag that defines the possibility to make diagonal moves. Setting it to "false" restricts agent to make cardinal (horizonal, vertical) moves only. Default value is "true".<cutcorners>
- boolean tag that defines the possibilty to make diagonal moves when one adjacent cell is untraversable. The tag is ignored if diagonal moves are not allowed. Default value is "false".<allowsqueeze>
- boolean tag that defines the possibility to make diagonal moves when both adjacent cells are untraversable. The tag is ignored if cutting corners is not allowed. Default value is "false".
Optional tag
. It describe the container of Open set.<type>
- defines the type of container. Possible values - "list", "vectoroflists", "set", "vectorofsets", "priorityqueue", "vectorofpriorityqueues". Default value is "vectoroflists".<duplicate>
- boolean tag that defines the availability of duplicates in Open. Defult value is "true".
Optional tag
. Options that are not related to search.<loglevel>
- defines the level of detalization of log-file. Default value is "1". Possible values:- "0" or "none" - log-file is not created.
- "0.5" or "tiny" - All the input data is copied to the log-file plus short
is appended.<summary>
contains info of the path length, number of steps, elapsed time, etc. - "1" or "short" - 0.5-log plus
is appended. It looks like<grid>
but cells forming the path are marked by "*" instead of "0". The following tags are also appended:<hplevel>
is the sequence of coordinates of cells forming the path.<hplevel>
is the sequence of sections forming the path.
- defines the directory where the log-file should be written. If not specified directory of the input file is used.<logname>
- defines the name of log-file. If not specified the name of the log file is: "input file name"+"_log"+input file extension.
The main tag in Output file, which containes path length, memory and time:
<summary numberofsteps="107" nodescreated="127" length="15.414213" length_scaled="41.618375587463383" time="0.000512"/>
- "numberofsteps" stands for the number of iterations (number of expanded vertices)
- "nodescreated" stands for the number of nodes that were examined in general (= memory)
- "length" stands for length of the final path
- "length_scaled" stands for actual length counting the size of cell in map
- "time" stands for elapsed time