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Python3 library to encode and decode numbers to sortable bytes


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Pynumenc is a Python3 library to translate numbers to and from sortable bytes.

We frequently had to encode numbers (integers as well as floating points) and store them in key/value stores in a sortable order. The current Python encoding of numbers into bytes lacked:

  • order. Python uses Two's Complement to represent integers and IEEE-754 to represent floats, respectively. These representations do not maintain order of bytes since the representation of negative numbers comes after the representation of the positive numbers (see below for examples).
  • speed. Python does not currently allow for manipulating individual bits in bytes. For example, to invert a part of bytes, you need to slice it, convert it to int, apply bit transformations on an int, convert it back to bytes and join the resulting slice with the prefix and suffix. This worked too slow for our applications (about 100x slower) so we implemented the encoding in C++.

The library contains conversion functions from/to the following types:

Specifier Signing Bits Bytes Minimum Value Maximum Value
int8 Signed 8 1 -2^7 (-128) 2^7 - 1 (127)
uint8 Unsigned 8 1 0 2^8 - 1 (255)
int16 Signed 16 2 -2^15 (-32,768) 2^15 - 1 (32,767)
uint16 Unsigned 16 2 0 2^16 - 1 (65,535)
int32 Signed 32 4 -2^31 (-2,147,483,648) 2^31 - 1 (2,147,483,647)
uint32 Unsigned 32 4 0 2^32 - 1 (4,294,967,295)
int64 Signed 64 8 -2^63 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) 2^63 - 1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
uint64 Unsigned 64 8 0 2^64 - 1 (18,446,744,073,709,551,615)
float32 Signed 32 8 -3.402823466385288598117041834e+38 3.4028234663852885981170418348451e+38
float64 Signed 64 8 -1.79769313486231570814527423e+308 1.797693134862315708145274237317e+308

Unlike the default bit representation of integers and floats, the above functions use bit-manipulation techniques to guarantee that not only mappings are injective, but that the resulting bytes preserve the order of the numbers, that is:

  • encoding(a) < encoding(b) ⇔ a < b
  • encoding(a) = encoding(b) ⇔ a = b

The rules above imply that we do not follow IEEE-754's standard of treating negative zero as smaller than positive zero: we treat them as the same number (more on this below).

How it works

The "traditional" encoding and decoding of numbers works as follows:

  • integers are stored in 1 or more bytes, where the first bit of the first byte determines the sign, and the rest of the bits determine the number. See two's complement.
  • floating-point numbers are encoded following the IEEE-754 standard, according to which finite numbers are specified as a sign bit, a coefficient and an exponent. Special cases of the IEEE 754 format include two signed zeroes (+0, -0), two infinities (+∞ and −∞) and two NaN values.

Neither of these encodings preserve the order of the numbers in the corresponding bytestring: integers negative numbers appear lexicographically after positive ones (the first bit being responsible for the sign and equals to one if the number is negative), and floating-point encoded values are sorted decreasingly for negative input.

Upon storage, the order of the bytes array for both floating-point and integer numbers depends on the machine's endianness:

  • on Little Endian machines, the Most Significant Byte (MSB) is the last of the array;
  • on Big Endian machines, the MSB is the first.

Our encoding scheme works as follows:

  • integers are first encoded in a byte array following the machine's endianness and if the machine is Little Endian, the array is mirrored; then, the first byte (which will now be the MSB irregardless of the machine's endianness) is XOR'd with 10000000, hence the sign bit is flipped. For example, for 8-bit integers, the result of two's complement is

    [10000000 (-128), 10000001 (-127), ..., 11111111 (-1), 00000000 (0), 00000001 (1), ..., 01111111 (127)].

    Applying our encoding scheme will result in the ordering

    [00000000 (-128), 00000001 (-127), ..., 01111111 (-1), 10000000 (0), 10000001 (1), ..., 11111111 (127)].

  • floating-point numbers are encoded in a byte array following the machine's endianness and then, if the machine is Little Endian, the array is mirrored; then, if the number is non-negative, the first byte (which will now be the MSB irregardless of the machine's endianness) is OR'd with 0x80 (binary 10000000), hence the sign bit is set to 1 (treating the two signed zeroes as one); otherwise, the whole byte array is negated, which results in flipping all bits and thus reverse-ordering negative numbers. Plus and minus infinity can be encoded in this scheme and will come after and before all other byte arrays, respectively.


As a Python library

To use the encoding and decoding functions, you need to invoke one of the numenc.from_TYPE() and numenc.to_TYPE() functions, replacing TYPE with any one of the types listed above. For example:

>>> import numenc

>>> numenc.from_int32(1200)
>>> numenc.to_int32(b'\x80\x00\x04\xb0')
>>> numenc.from_int32("a string")
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Wrong input: expected signed 32-bit integer.

# negative input throws ValueError for unsigned types
>>> numenc.from_uint8(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: expected 8-bit unsigned integer (range [0, 255]), got -1.

>>> numenc.from_int64(-999999)
>>> numenc.to_int64(b'\x7f\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\xbd\xc1')

# small rounding differences are possible, as Python (normally)
# uses float64 internally
>>> numenc.from_float32(-23.44443)
>>> numenc.to_float32(b'>Dq\xce')

>>> numenc.from_float64(-23.44443)
>>> numenc.to_float64(b'?\xc8\x8e9\xd5\xe4\xa3\x82')

>>> numenc.from_float32(float("-inf"))
>>> numenc.from_float32(float("inf"))

As a command line tool

You can experiment with numenc on the command line by running the executable pynumenc, which wraps the numenc library. For convenience, input and output of type bytes is treated as hexadecimal strings (e.g., b'xdexadxbexef' is "deadbeef"). To run the executable, specify a conversion function (to_(TYPE) or from_(TYPE)) and a value as positional arguments. For example:

pynumenc to_float32 80000000
result: 0.0

pynumenc from_uint8 45
result: 2d


  • Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv3
  • Activate it:
source venv3/bin/activate
  • Install pynumenc with pip:
pip3 install pynumenc


  • Check out the repository.
  • In the repository root, create the virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv3
  • Activate the virtual environment:
source venv3/bin/activate
  • Install the development dependencies:
pip3 install -e .[dev]
  • Run to execute pre-commit checks locally.


We follow Semantic Versioning. The version X.Y.Z indicates:

  • X is the major version (backward-incompatible),
  • Y is the minor version (backward-compatible), and
  • Z is the patch version (backward-compatible bug fix).


Python3 library to encode and decode numbers to sortable bytes







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